Technical Specification and Requirements

Operating system and accompanying software

Wialon Local is an all-in-one solution installed from an ISO file that includes:

  • base operating system Debian GNU/Linux 12 (Bookworm) in form of an image netinstall (the missing files are installed from network package repositories);
  • additional software for the proper functioning of the server (nginx, postfix, ntp, openssh, iptables, fail2ban and some other);
  • Wialon Local and its components.

Some OS components, hardware drivers and the modules of Wialon Local itself require network access during the installation process.

It is not recommended installing other software packages apart from the ones that are required for the proper operating of Wialon Local.

Server requirements

Installation and operation of Wialon Local is possible exclusively on a 64-bit operating system.

The recommended maximum number of messages from one unit per day, taking into account periods of decrease and increase in the intensity of messages, is 4100 messages (about 170 messages per hour). By the periods of decrease and increase we mean a periodic decrease and increase in the intensity of sending messages to the server, depending on the time of day and the unit’s operation mode. It also includes the possible complete absence of messages from the devices for a certain period of time, followed by intensive unloading of a large number of messages from the device’s memory (the recommended period for recalculating events is no more than 3 days).

The recommended maximum number of messages from one unit per hour during the period of the highest intensity of messages is 325 messages. The period of the highest intensity of messages should be understood as the period when all units created on the server are simultaneously connected to it and regularly transmit data.

Below are the minimum server requirements for storing data on it for a period of two years. These requirements are calculated on the basis of typical tasks solved by servers and their configuration.

For a server with up to 100 units (with an average daily intensity of message registration of no more than 408 000 messages):

  • CPU: Core i7 or Xeon (4+ cores, 4+ threads);
  • RAM: 16 GB (Wialon only);
  • HDD: software RAID1 from 250 GB;
  • Internet bandwidth (from the server): from 25 Mbit/s.

For a server with up to 500 units (with an average daily intensity of message registration of no more than 2 040 000 messages):

  • CPU: Core i7 or Xeon (4+ cores, 8+ threads);
  • RAM: 16 GB (Wialon only);
  • HDD: software RAID1 from 250 GB;
  • Internet bandwidth (from the server): from 25 Mbit/s.

For a server with up to 1000 units with its own WebGIS (with an average daily intensity of message registration of no more than 4 080 000 messages):

  • CPU: modern Xeon (6+ cores, 12+ threads);
  • RAM: from 32 GB (Wialon + maps);
  • HDD: Software RAID10, 4×2 TB or more;
  • Internet bandwidth (from the server): from 50 Mbit/s.

For a server with up to 2000 units with its own WebGIS (with an average daily intensity of message registration of no more than 8 160 000 messages):

  • CPU: modern Xeon (8+ cores, 16+ threads);
  • RAM: from 32 GB (Wialon + maps);
  • HDD: Software RAID10, 4×2 TB or more;
  • Internet bandwidth (from the server): from 50 Mbit/s.

For a server with up to 4000 units and its own WebGIS (with an average daily intensity of message registration of no more than 16 320 000 messages):

  • CPU: modern Xeon (10+ cores, 20+ threads);
  • RAM: from 48 GB (Wialon + maps);
  • HDD: software RAID10, 4×2 TB and more;
  • Internet bandwidth (from the server): from 75 Mbit/s.

For a server with up to 10 thousand units (with an average daily intensity of message registration of no more than 40 800 000 messages):

  • CPU: modern Xeon (12+ cores, 24+ threads);
  • RAM: from 64 GB;
  • HDD: Software RAID10, 8×2 TB and more;
  • Internet bandwidth (from the server): from 100 Mbit/s.

For a server with up to 15 thousand units (with an average daily intensity of message registration of no more than 61 200 000 messages):

  • CPU: modern Xeon (16+ cores, 32+ threads);
  • RAM: from 96 GB;
  • HDD: Software RAID10, 8×2 TB or more (SSD recommended);
  • Internet bandwidth (from the server): from 150 Mbit/s.

For a server with up to 20 thousand units (with an average daily intensity of message registration of no more than 81 600 000 messages):

  • CPU: 2 modern Xeon or 1 Xeon processors (20+ cores, 40+ threads);
  • RAM: from 128 GB;
  • HDD: Software RAID10, 8×2 TB or more (SSD recommended);
  • Internet bandwidth (from the server): from 175 Mbit/s.

In order for Wialon Local to operate correctly, there should be at least 20% of free disk space.

20 thousand is the maximum number of units possible on one distribution.

In some cases, the automatic installation can be unavailable.

You should understand that the above-listed requirements are indicative and the choice of the hardware on which Wialon Local is going to be installed is individual in each case and should, first of all, be based on the amount of information you are planning to work with.

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See also