Using Drivers

In addition to working with drivers on the main tab, you can perform the following actions:

  • display information about drivers on the Monitoring tab and on the map;
  • configure the notifications about separating and assigning drivers or notifications which allow separating drivers from units automatically;
  • use information about drivers to execute different reports.

The “Monitoring” tab and the map

The table below describes how to configure the displaying of information about drivers on the Monitoring tab and on the map. You can see the name, photo, driver’s phone number, the unit to which the driver is assigned, and the resource to which the driver belongs.

PlaceHow to configure
Unit tooltip

Select the Drivers item in the user settings.

Extended unit information

Select the Drivers item in the user settings.

Work list on the Monitoring tab (icon)

Enable the Drivers option in the monitoring panel customizer.

Map (icon and name)

Check the driver in the list of the Drivers tab and select the Drivers layer on the map. You can also select a layer with the names of drivers on the map.


You can configure notifications about assigning and separating the driver from the unit. You can also create a notification after which the driver should be separated from the unit automatically (for example, after entering the garage). To do this, select the Separate driver action in the settings.


You can add a column with the name of the driver to the tables of most reports (Trips, Engine hours, Fuel fillings, Fuel drains, Speedings, etc.). The name is displayed if the driver was assigned to the unit during the selected report interval.

You can also apply filtration by driver. This allows you to select what intervals should be included in the report: for example, include only those intervals of trips, parkings, fuel fillings, etc., during which a specific driver (or no driver at all) was assigned to the unit.

In addition, the system provides advanced reports on driver assignments, activity, eco driving, infringements of working hours, etc. You can execute them for a driver or a group of drivers.

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See also