Device Types

In this block, you can see a table of available device types. You can add new device types on the License tab (the Hardware component).

There is a dynamic search in the table columns. After you enter the first character, the system starts to offer possible options automatically.

The columns available in the Device types section are described below.

NameThis column displays the device type. You can rename it individually for one or several billing plans. To do this, click on the name in the list and enter a new one. Next, select the billing plans for which this name should be used.

The TCP and/or UDP port number to which the devices of this type send data. To change the port, click on it, enter a new value (from 20100 to 30000), and click Save. If the indicated port is already used by another device type, you cannot change this port. To restore the original TCP and UDP port values, click By default.

After buying new modules from hardware manufacturers, the indicated port may be the same as the default port for the new hardware type. In this case, when installing the update, the new hardware type will not start, and you will receive error messages by email because two or more hardware types cannot work on the same port. On subsequent server restarts, the new hardware type may start first, which leads to an error during the start of the previously installed hardware and a failure to receive data from units. When such situations occur, it is required to adjust the port of the new hardware type.

TimeoutThe number of seconds for which the server keeps the connection open if there is no data from the devices of this type.

: the reception of data is activated for the devices of this type,
: the reception of data is stopped.


This column displays the number of commands available for the devices of this type and transferred using the TCP, UDP, o Virtual channels. The tooltip contains detailed information with the names of all commands for each channel.

Using the Stop and Start buttons, you can interrupt and restart the reception of data from the devices of the selected type respectively.

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See also