Advanced Properties


To work with the Advanced tab,  you should have the following access rights to the unit:

Access rightActions
View object and its basic propertiesTo see Unit caption colour, Track colour and Usage of sensor colours sections 
View detailed object propertiesTo see the parameters used in reports, message validity filtration and driver activity source.
Edit not mentioned properties

To edit the Unit caption colour, Track colours, Usage of sensor colours sections.

View detailed object properties, Edit trip detection

To edit the parameters used in reports, speeding detection method and driver activity source.

View detailed object properties, Edit connectivity settingsTo edit the parameters of message validity filtration and Speed source section.

The Advanced tab consists of several sections. In these sections, you can configure parameters for reports, track and sensor colours, filtration of unit messages, etc.

Parameters used in reports

The parameters available in this section influence the execution of reports.

Consumption by rates

Fuel consumption per 100 kilometres. Another unit of measurement can be used, depending on the selected measurement system. The default value is 0.

Seasonal consumption

The option which allows you to specify a separate fuel consumption rate for a certain period. The default value is 0.

If the Seasonal consumption option is activated, then when you create a new sensor using the math consumption wizard, the Seasonal coefficient, % option is activated there by default. The value of the coefficient is calculated in accordance with the values specified on the Advanced tab.

Urban speed limit

The maximum speed at which it is conventionally considered that the unit is moving within the city. Moving at a higher speed is considered as suburban mileage. You can use this setting in reports: in the Trips table, in statistics, in the advanced report on drivers.

Maximum interval between messages

The maximum interval between messages in seconds. If the specified value is exceeded, the system considers it as connection loss. It is shown in the Connection problems table, used when calculating intervals in the Engine hours table and when determining fuel consumption by math and by FLS. The default value is 0 (option disabled).

Daily rate of engine hours

The daily rate of engine hours (in hours). This value can be used in the report on engine hours (when calculating utilization and useful utilization). The operation of engine hours is determined by the engine hours counter.

Mileage coefficient

The coefficient used to correct the mileage calculated in Wialon in cases where it always differs from the actual mileage by a certain number of times. 

Example. The mileage calculated in Wialon is 100 km, and the actual mileage (determined by the vehicle equipment)  is  120 km. The mileage coefficient that should be specified in this field is 120/100 = 1.2. 

The result of multiplication by the coefficient is shown in the Mileage (adjusted) column in different report tables and statistics.

Questions and answers

What is the difference between time-based and mileage-based calculation of fuel level?

1. Mileage-based calculation

In a standard situation, all calculations of fuel level are mileage-based. That means data from the FLS is taken only during intervals of movement (trips). Those trips are defined according to parameters set in the trip detector.

Drains and fillings are detected if there is a difference between the fuel level on the following movement interval (X) and the fuel level on the previous movement interval (Y). If (X — Y) > 0, it is a filling; if (X — Y) < 0, it is a drain; if X = Y, it is neither. Of course, there can be some inaccuracy in data coming from the FLS. That is why, to avoid false drains and fillings, set the following parameters in the FLS properties:

  • minimum fuel filling volume,
  • minimum fuel drain volume,
  • minimum stop duration to detect a fuel drain,
  • and some others.

2. Time-based calculation

This type of calculation is more complicated and is based on the following algorithm: the speed of the decrease of fuel level according to the FLS is compared with the consumption calculated mathematically. The time-based calculation is necessary for stationary units. It is also widely used for moving units for controlling drains during the movement, for example.


A vehicle stayed at a parking lot during 10 hours. Defueling was made in small portions over the whole parking period. As a result, 60 liters of fuel were drained. It is possible to determine if it was a drain o fuel consumption according to the state of the unit’s ignition sensor. ​

Why doesn't consumption by math work?

Since the consumption math mechanism is based on the values of the ignition sensor, check its properties and operation. You may not have this sensor created or there may be 0 l/h indicated for the fuel consumption in its properties.

How to configure consumption by math if the unit doesn't have ignition?

You may use one of the approaches described below.

Variant 1

Create a virtual ignition sensor. We recommend that you use average speed (speed+#speed)/const2 as its parameter.

Variant 2

Even if you haven’t installed an ignition sensor in the unit or are not sure of the name of the parameter that responds for the ignition, in the parameters of the device there may be some characteristic that corresponds to the operation of the engine. To use it, compare two messages from the unit: one — when the ignition the most probably off; the other — when it’s on.


During a long time interval the unit sends approximately the following set of parameters:

hdop=1, odo=0, adc2=2.0475, adc12=1037, c1=0, c2=0, c3=0, c4=0, mcc=260, mnc=2, lac=56720, cell_id=43811, ta=1,
gsm_lvl=55, total_fuel=407154, can_fls=101, can_taho=4797, can_engine_hrs=230420, can_mileage=137603392, engine_temp=123,
srv_dist=0, j1939_air_temp=9072, J1708_eng_hrs=230420, J1708_fl_used=430282, J1708_fl_lvl=101, I/O=80/0

While moving at some speed — approximately the following:

hdop=1, odo=847.358764648, adc2=2.3595, adc12=1117, c1=0, c2=0, c3=0, c4=0, mcc=260, mnc=2, lac=56720, cell_id=60167, 
ta=1, gsm_lvl=71, total_fuel=407178, can_fls=101, can_taho=9940, can_engine_hrs=230447, can_mileage=137609550, 
engine_temp=124, srv_dist=0, j1939_air_temp=9353, J1708_eng_hrs=230447, J1708_fl_used=430307, J1708_fl_lvl=101, I/O=d1/0

Straight before the start of the movement, as a rule, the ignition turns on:

hdop=1, odo=0, adc2=1.4937, adc12=895, c1=0, c2=0, c3=0, c4=0, mcc=260, mnc=2, lac=56720, cell_id=60268, ta=2, 
gsm_lvl=64, total_fuel=407166, can_fls=100, can_taho=996, can_engine_hrs=230439, can_mileage=137605711, engine_temp=120, 
srv_dist=0, j1939_air_temp=9369, J1708_eng_hrs=230439, J1708_fl_used=430295, J1708_fl_lvl=100, I/O=80/0

Discard the parameters that are obviously imprecise: hdop (precision), adcN (it’s difficult to determine the regularity), odo (relative odometer in meters), mcc mnc cell_id and lac (LBS data section), gsm_lvl (the level of the GSM signal), etc. The parameter J1708_eng_hrs for this unit seems the most probable, as it doesn’t change during the night parking. As a rule, it is also possible to use pwr_ext. Is the ignition is digital, you can follow the values’ changes in the block ‘I/O =’ (see more details in the Inputs and outputs section).

Variant 3

If you have already connected the ignition, find out its parameter by means of the method described above or from the manual of the manufacturer.

Why does mathematical calculation show enormous values?

Possible reasons:

  • In some cases, the system may consider that during the interval with no messages from the unit its ignition was on. Adjust the default value ‘0 seconds’ on the Maximum interval between messages option on the Advanced tab of unit properties. The influence of the option on the fuel calculation is described in the documentation.
  • Several engine efficiency sensors can be created. Check up their values. The easiest way to evaluate it is to create in a report a simple chart with one of the curves Fuel consumption by math.
How to determine fuel consumption, if I know how much fuel the unit consumes within the city, and how much outside it?

Let us suppose that the fuel consumption in the urban cycle is 10 l/100 km and 7 l/100 km — in the suburban cycle.

  • Create an ignition sensor (as in the example above) and set 1 l/h for the consumption during idling.
  • The average consumption in the urban cycle is 36 km/h, in the suburban — 80 km/h.
  • The unit will cover a distance of 100 km driving at a speed of 36 km/h in 2.8 hours. 10 l / 2.8 = 3.57. Let us calculate the value of the increasing coefficient when moving in the city: 3.57 / 1 (idling) = 3.57.
  • As a result of a similar calculation for the suburban cycle, we obtain the coefficient equal to 5.6.
  • Create an engine efficiency sensor, taking into account the fact that the unit cannot consume less fuel than during the idling, and that it is stationary before the beginning of the movement. As a parameter we use the average speed (speed + # speed) / const2 and fill in the calculation table (manually or using the calculation table wizard):

Note that the last pair of points is how the system calculated before (the fuel consumption was considered constant for a speed above 80 km/h). You cannot use this method and change the set of points. Also ‘3’ in this example is the minimum speed from the unit’s trip detector, consequently, this parameter can be different for your unit.

Result: in our example, the average consumption has been calculated for the unit. It has been calculated relative to the speed and time between messages and taking into account the values of the vehicle operation.

How does the mathematical calculation algorithm work?

During the mathematical calculation, fuel consumption is computed separately for each pair of messages.

The following algorithm is used:

  1. The status of each engine sensor (engine ignition, absolute and relative engine hours sensors) in the current message is determined.
  2. For the operating sensors the values indicated in the field Consumed, l/h of their properties are summed.
  3. The values of the engine efficiency sensors bounded to the engine sensors are calculated.
  4. The received values are summed according to the formula k1 + (k2 - 1) + (k3 - 1) + … + (kn – 1). In that way, the coefficient is formed. If the sum of the coefficients is less than 0 or invalid, the total coefficient will be 1.
  5. To determine the current fuel consumption of the unit, the value from point 2 is multiplied by the value of point 4.
  6. The value from the previous message till the current one is multiplied by the value from point 5.
  7. The consumption for each message pair for the indicated interval is summed and in that way, the fuel consumption is determined by consumption math.
How is the seasonal coefficient calculated?

As a rule, the seasonal coefficient supposes increased fuel consumption. For instance, the consumption in winter is 30% higher than in summer. Let us suppose, that the winter in your climate is from December, 1 to March, 1.

  1. Create an engine efficiency sensor with the parameter  time:d.
  2. Find out which numbers of the day in the year do your dates correspond to. High precision is not obligatory: a year may be a leap one and the season itself may be longer or shorter. For the period indicated above, for example, the numbers are ‘334’ and ‘59’ approximately.
  3. Create a calculation table as seen in the screenshot below.

time  is the parameter that is present in any message from any device, and the system will calculate the number of the day automatically on its basis. In that way, as the season starts, 30% will automatically be added to the fuel consumption.

Speed source

This section is shown for certain device types for which changing the speed source is supported in the monitoring system.

In most cases, the monitoring system uses the values calculated by the device via GPS as speed values. They are stored in the unit messages in the speed parameter. If they are not correct, you can specify the parameter the values of which should be used for the speed parameter.

To set the speed source correctly, follow the steps below.

  1. In the Speed parameter field, select or specify the name of the parameter (no more than 50 characters) the values of which should be used as speed values. The list shows all the parameters sent by the device, except for the virtual ones.
  2. Select the unit of measurement in which the device sends speed values ( not the unit of measurement which should be shown in the monitoring system). If the unit of measurement is not selected, the system uses km/h.
  3. Save the changes.
After that, the speed parameter values from the unit messages begin to be replaced by the values of the specified parameter in all parts of the system without the possibility of recovery . If the messages don’t contain the specified parameters, the usual values of the speed parameter are used.


In this section, you can select the method which should be used to determine speed limit violations on which you can later run a special report. Also, if you are running a report with a track, you can enable an option to add speeding markers to the map.

The following items are available for selection:



The system doesn't register speed limit violations. This item is selected by default.

Fixed limit

Speed limit violations are registered in accordance with the specified conditions.

In the Fixed speed limit field, specify the maximum allowed speed for this unit. If the speed is higher than the specified value, the system registers a violation.

In the Min speeding time field, specify how long the violation should last. If the violation lasts less than the specified time, the system doesn't register it.

Road limits

Speed limit violations are registered in accordance with the restrictions for passenger cars indicated in Gurtam Maps (provided that the road limit is higher than 30 km/h). However, if a layer with speed limits has been added to Gurtam Maps at the user's request, they are given priority in this user's monitoring system.

The Use limits from roads method is supported only by Gurtam Maps cartographic service.

In the Tolerance on speeding field, specify by what value the unit can exceed the speed limit so that the system doesn't register a violation. For example, the map shows a road limit of 60 km/h. The field value is 10 km/h. This means that if the unit is moving at a speed of up to 70 km/h, no violation is registered.

In the Min speeding time field, specify how long the violation should last in order for the system to register it.

If you specify 0 in the Min speeding time field, a speed limit violation is registered even if the unit sends one message with a speed value higher than the selected limit. The duration of this interval is indicated in reports as 00:00.

Driver activity by online data

In this section, you can select the source of information about the activity of the driver. This data helps to monitor in real time whether the driver sticks to the work and rest regime.

The following data sources are available for selection:


New data on the driver activity is not calculated. But the tooltip of the unit or driver and the extended unit information display the data on driver activity calculated earlier, if any.

Parameters from tachograph

Online data on the driver activity is transmitted to the device from the tachograph installed on the vehicle, and then it is sent to the system. Not all of the device types support this feature.

Assignments and trips

The activity of the driver assigned to this unit is determined by online data as follows:

  • the Driving status is registered for the driver if a trip or stop is detected;
  • the Work status is registered for the driver if parking is detected;
  • the Rest status is registered for the driver if they are separated from the unit.
Wialon doesn’t recalculate online data on the driver activity for the past period. Therefore, online data can only give you an approximate idea of whether the driver sticks to the work and rest regime. If you change the trip detector settings or data on the driver assignments, these changes are not applied to online data for the past period and are not reflected in reports.

You can get accurate data on the driver activity only in reports and in the Tacho View app using files from the driver card as a data source.

Questions and answers

How can I start to use tachographs and unload DDD files from a driver's card?

1. You need a tachograph and a tracker which supports unloading DDD files.

2. Create a driver in the monitoring interface. The value of the Code field must correspond to their personal card’s number.

3. Create a sensor of the Driver assignment type and add the unit to the driver’s automatic assignment list.

4. Create a command for unloading a DDD file on the Commands tab of the unit properties. The command syntax may vary depending on the device type.

5. For sending a command of querying a DDD file, the unit must have an open TCP connection (the timeout depends on the type and the configuration of the tracker).

6. After unloading a DDD file the following line appears in the messages:

  • driver_card1_file=C_хх_1256.ddd, register_ddd=0 — the unloading has been successful, but the file hasn’t been attached to the driver (not enough access rights to the resource or there is no driver with such a code);
  • driver_card1_file=C_хх_1256.ddd, register_ddd=1 — the unloading has been successful, the file has been attached to a definite driver.

The syntax of the response depends on the type of device used. Some devices send an additional response by means of the Chat with drivers window.

The time needed for unloading a file depends on the tracker (it may take from 5 to 30 minutes approximately).

7. You can view the downloaded file and check the driver’s work for a previous interval in the application Tacho View.

8. The DDD files from a driver’s card are stored in a resource. The storage period of such files is not limited; they are deleted together with the resource they belong to.

Unit caption colour

By default, the names of the units and the drivers assigned to them are shown on the map in red. However, you can select a different colour for each unit.

Track colours

In this section, you can set the colour for tracks, that is, the lines of unit movement on the map. The tracks are mapped on the Tracks, Messages, Reports, and Monitoring tabs (the Quick track option).

Tracks can be single- or multi-coloured depending on the settings according to which the colour is determined. You can select one of the four options:

  • by trips;
  • single;
  • by speed;
  • by sensor.
By trips

The track is divided into sections of different colours, each of which corresponds to one trip. Trips are detected by the trip detector.


The track is single-coloured. This option is useful when mapping tracks for unit groups because they don't merge with each other in this way. You can select a colour from the palette.

If you map several tracks in a row, the next colour from the palette is used for each track.

By speed
The track is multi-coloured depending on the unit speed. To add an interval, click on the icon , specify the speed values ​​and the colour for the interval, and click OK. An empty value in the first field is considered as -∞, in the second as + ∞. You can select the colour from the palette or specify it in the HEX format in the field above.

The created intervals are shown on the line scale. To edit an interval, click on it, make changes, and click OK.

To reset the settings to the default ones, click on the icon  to the right of the scale.

By sensor

The track is multi-coloured depending on the values of the selected sensor. The list contains the sensors created for the unit. The value intervals and colours for tracks are specified in the sensor properties.

If the interval settings have been deleted from the properties of the selected sensor, the system will automatically switch to another sensor that has the intervals configured. In case there are no other sensors with configured intervals, the system will use the By trips option.

Usage of sensor colours

In this section, you can select the sensors the colours of which should be used for certain interface elements. The colours are configured in the sensor properties.

Below are the interface elements for which the colours of the selected sensors are used.

Sensor state

The colours of the selected sensor are used for the Sensor state option in the worklist on the Monitoring tab and in the menu of monitoring options on the map.

Motion state signs

The colours of the selected sensor are used for motion state signs on the map.

Battery level

The colours of the selected sensor are used for the Battery level option in the work list on the Monitoring tab and in the menu of monitoring options on the map.

To configure a sensor which shows the battery level, you should create a custom sensor with the parameter in which data on the battery is received from the device. If the data is received in volts, and not in per cent, then you should also fill in the calculation table in the sensor properties so that the data is displayed correctly.

If the unit doesn’t have suitable sensors, these options are inactive.

Message validity filtration

All messages from units are registered in the database. However, some messages can be invalid, for example, due to data fluctuations or lack of coordinates. Such messages distort the values of mileage, tracks, indicators in reports, etc.

In order for the system not to take invalid messages into account, enable the Message validity filtration option and configure the required criteria: the number of satellites, unit speed, or the accuracy of coordinates. Here you can also enable the options for determining the location by LBS and filtering the messages identified as invalid by the device itself.

Regardless of the settings in this section, any messages with zero or no coordinates are filtered automatically. A message is considered invalid if at least one coordinate (longitude or latitude) is equal to zero.

Filtration is applied only to GPS data, so if an invalid message contains other parameters, for example, sensor values, they can still be used in the system.

The settings in the section apply only to the messages received after the settings have been adjusted.


Allow positioning by cellular base stations

This option works for devices which suport positioning by cellular stations. To see a list of such devices, select the required section on the Hardware tab and apply the LBS filter.

The option allows using cellular base stations (LBS) to determine the unit location, for example, when GPS data is not valid. The data obtained this way is not as accurate as GPS data and shows only an approximate location.

LBS data is used only if the Allow positioning by cellular base stations option is enabled and there is no GPS data or it doesn't meet the specified filtration criteria. In addition, messages with LBS data are not taken into account in the trip detector and eco driving.

Skip invalid messages

The option allows ignoring the GPS data identified by the device as invalid. Some devices (controllers) send special parameters which identify invalid coordinates. Also, the current time and the last valid coordinates are specified in the message. The system considers such a message to be without positional data and doesn't use it for mapping tracks, determining the location, and so on.

Minimum satellites

In this field, you can specify the minimum number of satellites that should be used to determine the coordinates in order for the message to be considered valid. The recommended number is at least four. The value can't exceed 255.

Maximum HDOP value

In this field, you can specify the maximum HDOP value with which messages are considered valid. HDOP stands for horizontal dilution of precision. The smaller this value is, the more accurate the coordinates are. The value can't exceed 9,999.

Maximum speed value

In this field, you can specify the limit for speed values. If it is exceeded, the message is considered invalid. You can't indicate a value greater than 9,999. If 0 is specified, this filtration criterion is not taken into account. 

If the speed or HDOP value exceeds the maximum allowed one, or the number of satellites is lower than the specified one, the following data of the message becomes unavailable: speed, coordinates, number of satellites, and altitude.

Questions and answers

What is LBS?

LBS ( location-based service ) is a service that determines the location of a unit according to the coordinates of GSM base stations.

When can I need LBS?

GPS may be unavailable for various reasons: GPS antenna failure, dense urban development, tunnels, parking garages, and so on. In such cases, it is advisable to use LBS. Due to shorter waves, the probability of LBS catching the signal in places with obstacles (reinforced, metal, shielded surfaces) is much higher.

How accurate is LBS compared to GPS?

The accuracy of LBS is generally lower: it depends on local radio conditions, the density of the base station network, cell configuration. However, it is easier to catch the signal using LBS. This increases the chance of receiving positional data in a message when GPS is not available.

Where is LBS used in practice?

If technical conditions are met, the service can be configured for any monitoring unit. For the most part, LBS is used in the fields where the exact coordinates are not so important as the fact of arrival, departure, moving, or stopping.

For example, in container shipping, a device installed inside the container does not catch the satellite signal. However, the LBS messages show the fact of delivering the goods to the warehouse, unplanned stops, significant deviations from the route.

LBS is also used for monitoring stationary units, especially if the device does not have a source of direct current. This saves the battery life of the device, while a disabled GPS module would significantly increase it.

From what devices can Wialon receive LBS data?

You can find a list of supported devices in the Hardware section of our site.

How does Wialon determine the location by LBS after receiving a message from a unit?

When the monitoring unit does not send positional data via satellites, Wialon reads the identification number of the base station and searches for the coordinates in the database.

What database of coordinates is used in Wialon and how is it updated?

Wialon uses its own database. It is updated as new messages with LBS and GPS coordinates are received from the units. Before adding new points to the database, they are additionally checked. At the moment, the database includes more than 62 million points.

What data should the device send to determine its location by LBS?

The messages should contain 4 parameters:  cell_id  (identification number of the base station of the mobile operator),  mccmnc , and  lac  (service parameters). To verify the fact of their correct transmission and reception, request data messages on the Messages tab.

My tracker does not send LBS data. Why?

There could be the following reasons for it.

  • Your device is not able to send LBS data.
  • Your device has incorrect settings. To get LBS data, a device needs to transmit at least 4 parameters: mcc, mnc, lac, cell ID. Please check your device settings and make sure your device can transmit those parameters.
  • You haven’t activated message validity filtration. On the Advanced tab of the unit properties, tick the checkbox Message validity filtration, then activate the Allow positioning by cellular base stations function.
How can I check the last unit location determined by LBS?

To see the last unit location determined by LBS, use the LBS detector.

How can I configure a unit so that its LBS data is used in Wialon and what will it affect?

In order for the LBS data of the unit to be saved in Wialon, open the  Advanced  tab of the unit properties, enable message validity filtration and activate the  Allow positioning by cellular base stations  option. After that, the LBS coordinates will be used in reports and when displaying the unit on the map. For notifications, activate the Process LBS messages option in their settings.

The LBS coordinates of the unit are saved only if they are determined later than the GPS coordinates in the message.

How do I know that the unit location is determined by LBS?

If the location of the unit is determined by LBS, you can tell this by how it is displayed on the map and by the icon     which is shown opposite the unit name in the work area of the  Monitoring  tab.

My device does not support LBS according to the Gurtam website. What should I do?

Send a request to  indicating the type of device for considering the issue.

The device is configured to send LBS data, but there are no parameters in the message. What should I do?

If  advanced support  is specified for your type of device, send an email to  with all the details. You can also ask for help in configuring other devices.

The location of the unit is determined by LBS in most cases, but sometimes the messages are received without coordinates. What should I do?

Send a request to  indicating the values of the parameters ​​ mccmnclaccell_ID .

The messages from the device contain LBS parameters, but there is no way to use them in the monitoring system (in sensors, messages, reports, notifications, and so on). What should I do?

Make sure that positioning by LBS is configured for the unit on the  Advanced  tab of its properties. In the case of notifications, also check if the Process LBS messages option is activated in their settings. If the problem is still unresolved, write to  specifying all the details.

Reports show incorrect mileage. What should I do?

Possible explanations and actions:

1. Outliers of data.

To detect such outliers, build a track of unit movement for the appropriate period. Outliers of data will be seen on the track as dashed lines.

Ways to overcome outliers:

  • Enable filtration of unit positional information in messages (on the Advanced tab of unit properties). This will not affect old messages but applied to new ones.
  • To correct data in reports, change settings of trip detection, in particular, reduce Maximum interval between messages and increase Minimum satellites.

2. Incorrect settings or operation of the mileage counter.

  • Check the mileage counter settings on the General tab of unit properties.

Determine the location by Wi-Fi points

This option is displayed for devices that can determine the location by Wi-Fi points. To see a list of such devices, select the required section on the Hardware tab and apply the Wi-Fi positioning filter.

When the Determine the location by Wi-Fi points option is activated, the options described below become available.

Minimum number of Wi-Fi pointsHere you should specify the minimum number of Wi-Fi points with which the messages should be considered valid. You can indicate only an integer value. The minimum allowed value is 2, the maximum one is 255.
Maximum number of Wi-Fi pointsIn this field, you should specify the maximum number of Wi-Fi points which should be taken into account when determining the unit location. If the number of available points is greater than the number indicated here, the points with a stronger signal are used. You can indicate only an integer value. The minimum allowed value is 2, the maximum one is 255.
Location accuracy, mIn this field, you should specify the location accuracy in metres. The smaller the value, the more accurate the received coordinates. A message is considered invalid if its accuracy value is greater than the specified one. You can enter an integer or fractional number greater than or equal to zero. The maximum allowed value is 10,000.
Messages with Wi-Fi data are not taken into account in the trip detector and eco driving.

If the Allow positioning by cellular base stations option (see the section above) is also enabled for the unit and there is valid GPS, LBS and Wi-Fi data, the system determines the unit location using Wi-Fi data in the first place. If Wi-Fi data is invalid (that is, doesn’t match the specified settings or the point address hasn’t been found), the system uses GPS data. LBS data is the last to be used.

You can see that the unit location has been determined by Wi-Fi points in the following places of the system:

  • in the Motion state section of the Dashboard tab;
  • in the work list of the Monitoring tab (the Motion state option);
  • in the table of data messages from the unit (the messages with the unit location determined by Wi-Fi are highlighted in purple).
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See also