
On this tab, you can change the general settings of sites: specify their type, DNS, etc.

The table below shows the settings that can be available depending on the type of the site.

TypeThe type of the site. Depending on the available components of the license, the following basic types of sites are possible: Wialon Web, CMS Manager, Logistics, Nimbus, Fleetrun, Hecterra, Wasl. If there are additional sites of the Wialon Web type in your license, you can change their type to CMS Manager if needed.
DNSThe domain name of the site is specified in this field. You can make sure the site is available using the Check DNS button.

For the site of the Wasl type, you should create a custom public DNS and specify it in this field.
SkinThis setting is used only for the sites of the Wialon Web type for changing the design of the monitoring system. In the drop-down list, you can select and apply one of the designs available by default. Here you can also select a personal design bought previously in your personal account (, or through a request to the manager.
The personal design is created on the basis of the provided materials and/or layouts and the wishes of the client. The Personal design package does not include creating a logo or several final versions of the design. Besides, the arrangement of the functional blocks and the way the icons look like cannot be changed in the personal design.
Base URL

This setting is required for the applications using SDK: NimBus, Fleetrun, Logistics, Hecterra. The sites which provide SDK are Wialon Web and CMS Manager. For the correct work of the application, you should select the SDK site with the corresponding protocol: http or https (the SDK site should have the same protocol).

This setting is also required for the site of the Wasl type. Here you should specify the URL of the CMS Manager site in the settings of which the Wasl service URL is indicated.

New login page

This option is used for sites of the Wialon Web type. It is available only for sites with default skins and can’t be applied to sites with personal designs.

If the option is enabled, the new login page is shown. You can see an example of it on the Advanced settings page. If you want to use your logo on the new login page (the Login logo option), the image should meet the following requirements:

  • its size mustn’t exceed 320×72 pixels,
  • It must be in PNG or SVG format.
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See also