
To ensure the effective operation of the monitoring system, take into account the limitations stated below.

Limits for reports

The maximum number of lines of a report is 250 000.

Limits for tracks

During one session it is not possible to build more than 50 tracks in total in all tabs (Tracks, Monitoring, Reports, Messages).

Limits for messages

No more than 1 message per second should be generated by a tracker.

Other limits

It is not possible to create more than 31 744 micro objects of each type (geofences, jobs, notifications, drivers, trailers, passengers, and report templates) in one resource.

The maximum number of points of a geofence saved from a track cannot exceed 10000. If the number of points of a track is more than 10 000, it is saved as several geofences.

It is possible to edit a geofence if the number of its points does not exceed 5000.

A maximum of 53 bits (9 007 199 254 740 991) must be the size of the numerical parameter value sent by the sensor. If larger numerical values are displayed in the interface and reports, the accuracy is reduced starting with the lower bits. However, such values can be processed, for example, by bitwise control or used for bitwise controlled sensors.

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See also