Exporting Reports to Files

You can save the executed reports as HTML, PDF, Excel, XML and CSV files. The export of charts is available only in the PDF and PNG formats.

To export a report, follow the steps below.

  1. Click on the icon in the toolbar of the executed report.
  2. If necessary, change the file name generated automatically.
  3. Select the file format in which you want to save the report. If you select several formats, you get the same report in several files of the specified formats. For PDF and CSV, additional settings are available (see File formats)
  4. Specify the required parameters.
  5. Click OK.
  6. Depending on your browser settings, open the file or save it to the disk.

You can also configure automatic report sending by means of jobs and notifications.

Export parameters

In the Parameters section of the export window, the following options are available:

Compress report files

The option allows compressing files to an archive. The files are compressed automatically if HTML or CSV format is selected or if their size exceeds 20 MB.

Split chart 

The option allows you to get a separate chart for each day or week of the report interval, depending on the item selected in the drop-down list.

Disable links to Google Maps in PDF and Excel files

By default, PDF and Excel files support the ability to follow links from the report in order to display the location on the map (if coordinates are available). To use this feature, do the following:

  1. Open the downloaded report file.
  2. Point to the required field, such as the start and end of the state or address information (the cursor arrow changes to a “hand”), and click on it.
  3. Select the browser in which you want to open the link.

As a result, the Google Maps cartographic service opens, and the marker indicates the location of the point from the report.

To disable the feature described above, activate the Disable links to Google Maps in PDF and Excel files option.

Attach map (for PDF and HTML only)

The option allows you to attach a map to the report. For this purpose, the options related to displaying markers, tracks and/or the last unit location should be enabled in the template settings. If there are no such elements, the map is not attached.

You can attach only Gurtam Maps to the report.

Squeeze in all graphics

By default, the map is zoomed to fit tracks, markers, and/or the last unit location. If this option is enabled, the map shows geofences in addition to these items.

Hide cartographic basis

The option allows you to hide the map layer. If this option is enabled, tracks, markers and other graphic elements are displayed on a white background.

Generate report

This option allows you to run the report before saving it if you have changed the values in the Object or Interval fields of the report parameters, but haven't clicked Execute.

File formats

This section describes the file formats to which you can export reports, and the particularities of these formats.

When exporting a report to PDF, HTML, and Excel files, automatic column alignment is applied. Columns with text (names of sensors, commands, geofences, drivers, and users, event text, SMS, unit location, etc.) are left-aligned. Columns with numerical data (time, duration, speed, mileage, fuel, payments, quantity, etc.) are right-aligned. The names of tables and columns are centred.


If you select the HTML format, the report is saved as a web page. You can open it in any internet browser installed on the computer.


PDF reports are well-suited for printing.

When exporting the report to a PDF file, the following additional options are available:

Page orientationSelect the page orientation: portrait or landscape.
Page sizeSelect the page size: A4 or A3.
Page width

This option is useful for reports with many columns. You can select one of the following options:

  • Fixed. The page width depends on the selected page orientation and size. If the width of a table doesn't fit, the report is exported without this table (only its title is shown).
  • Auto, compact. The width of a table cell is equal to the width of the widest word in a column.
  • Auto, no wrap. The width of a table cell is equal to the width of the longest row (without line wrapping). 

When you select Auto, compact or Auto, no wrap, the selected page size and orientation influences the page height, but not the page width.


Reports exported to an Excel (XLSX) file are displayed on several tabs. You can edit the report data using the tools of this programme.


If you select the XML format, the report is saved as a text file with structured data. A file of this format can be used for third-party systems.


If you select the CSV format, each table of the report is saved to a separate file. In this file, every row corresponds to a row of the table, and the columns are separated from one another with a separator: a comma (,) or a semicolon (;).

When exporting the report to a file of this format, the following options are available:

CodingSelect the coding to be used in the file: utf8 or cp1251.
DelimiterSelect the separator of the table columns: a comma or a semicolon.
Display headingsIf this option is disabled, the row of headings is not saved in the file.
Download PDF file
Download Word document

See also