
A minimap shows the latest information about the unit, the unit location, notifications, live streams.

You can open the minimap only if the unit has sent messages with coordinates. To do this, use one of the following methods:

  • a double click on the unit name in the work list, after which the unit is also shown in the centre of the map;
  • a double click on the unit icon on the map.

Work modes

Minimaps have three work modes. To switch between them, use the icons in the window header.


Video monitoring.

Information about the unit.


Video monitoring mode

This mode is available if you have the View connectivity settings access right to the unit and the Video service. The mode allows you to monitor a unit online and watch videos recorded previously.

To access the Video mode directly from the Monitoring tab, click on the Video button next to the unit name in the work list. To display the button, configure the monitoring options.

At the top of the minimap, there are the Live and Archive mode switch buttons (on the left), as well as the button to open video display settings (on the right). In the settings, you can select the cameras for video transmission. The maximum number depends on the device settings. You can change the order of cameras by pulling the arrows to the left of their names up or down. By default, the video of the first camera is displayed in the minimap.

The video is displayed in real time. Click on it to pause the broadcast; click again to resume it. The button in the lower right corner of the video allows you To switch to the full-screen mode, click on the button in the lower right corner of the video. In this case, broadcasting from other cameras stops. To enable or disable the sound of the video, use the buttons /.
In addition to the standard player, you can watch video in a third-party player. To do this, open the unit properties and click on the icon next to the Device type field on the General tab. In the Device configuration dialog box, type the IP address of the player in the IP field and indicate the protocol. The protocol of the link to a third-party player should be the same as the protocol of the monitoring site.

**Information mode **

To switch to the Info mode, click on the button in the minimap header. In this mode, you can see the extended unit information which is selected in the user settings.

Map mode

In the Map mode, you can see the location of the unit, as well as its speed and address from the last received message. You cannot move the map because it is automatically centered on the last position of the unit. Apart from that, working in the map mode is identical to working with the main map.

In the map mode, you can activate Google Street View or Yandex Panorama using the buttons in the lower right corner. Google Street View is a Google Maps feature that allows you to see panoramic street views of many cities around the world from a height of about 2.5 meters. The service makes it possible to view houses, roads and all the surrounding objects on the street, creating the illusion of virtual presence. At the moment, the service covers North America, Australia, New Zealand, Western Europe, Japan, Indonesia, and Brazil. Yandex Panorama is a panoramic view technology featured in Yandex Maps. At the moment, Yandex Panorama allows you to view the street panoramas of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Turkey.

For Google Street View, select Google as a map source in the user settings. Make sure that the service coverage includes the geographical area you need. For Yandex Panorama, select Yandex as a map source and take into account the coverage of the service.

Online notifications in minimaps

You can view the received online notifications in the unit minimaps. To do this, the following options must be enabled:

When an online notification is triggered, the unit minimap opens automatically if it was closed. An indicator of unread notifications appears in its header next to the mode icons. Click on it to view the received notifications.

Here you can read and delete notifications as in the Online notifications window. To return to the initial mode, click on the icon again.

Minimaps are not synchronized with the Online notifications window, therefore reading or deleting notifications in a minimap does not lead to any changes in the window of online notifications.

Working with minimaps

In the header of every minimap, there is a unit icon and name so that you can simply find the required one. The mode switches and the Close button () are also in the header. You can open up one minimap per unit.

You can hide or display all minimaps at once by clicking on the button in the left corner of the bottom panel. When you go to the Reports, Messages, and Routes tabs, the minimaps are automatically hidden to avoid excessive information. If needed, you can display them by clicking on the button in the bottom panel. When you leave these tabs, the minimaps are shown again automatically.

After logging in to the system, the last layout of minimaps is restored.

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