Reports on Geofences

To execute reports on geofences and groups of geofences, the user should have the Request reports and messages and the View geofences access rights to the resource to which the geofences belong. Besides, the View object and its basic properties and the Request reports and messages access rights to the unit or units are required.

A template for the report on geofences and groups of geofences can contain a table of one type only: the Units table.

The Units table shows the information about what units visited the geofence or group of geofences, at what time they did it, how long they stayed there, at what speed they moved, etc.

The Units table can include the columns described below.

UnitThe name of the unit which visited the geofence.
GeofenceThe name of the geofence the unit visited (only in reports on groups of geofences).
TypeThe type of the geofence (polygon, circle, or line).
AreaThe area of the geofence.
PerimeterThe perimeter of the geofence. In the case of a line, its length is considered to be the perimeter, that is, its thickness is not taken into account.
DescriptionThe description of the geofence (is taken from the geofence properties).
Time inThe time when the unit entered the geofence.
Time outThe time when the unit left the geofence.
Duration inThe time the unit stayed in the geofence.
Total timeThe time from the beginning of the first visit to the end of the last one.
Parkings durationThe total parking time in the geofence.
Off-timeThe time during which the unit was outside the geofence from the first exit to the last entrance to the geofence.
MileageThe mileage inside the geofence.
Mileage (adjusted)The mileage adjusted to the coefficient specified on the Advanced tab of the unit properties.
Initial mileageThe value of the mileage sensor when the unit entered the geofence.
Final mileageThe value of the mileage sensor when the unit left the geofence.
Off-mileageThe mileage outside the geofence from the first exit to the last entrance to the geofence.
Off-mileage (adjusted)The off-mileage adjusted to the mileage coefficient.
Initial engine hoursThe value of the sensor of absolute engine hours when the unit entered the geofence.
Final engine hoursThe value of the sensor of absolute engine hours when the unit left the geofence.
Initial counterThe counter value detected when the unit entered the geofence.
Final counterThe counter value detected when the unit left the geofence.
Avg temperatureThe average temperature during the time the unit was in the geofence.
Min temperatureThe minimum temperature during the time the unit was in the geofence.
Max temperatureThe maximum temperature during the time the unit was in the geofence.
Initial temperatureThe temperature detected when the unit entered the geofence.
Final temperatureThe temperature detected when the unit left the geofence.
Avg speedThe average speed of the unit inside the geofence.
Max speedThe maximum speed of the unit inside the geofence.
Cargo weightThe average value of the weight sensor during the time the unit was in the geofence.
DriverThe name of the driver if they were assigned to the unit.
TrailerThe name of the driver if it was assigned to the unit.
VisitsThe number of visits to the geofence for the specified period.
ConsumedThe volume of the consumed fuel detected by all fuel sensors during the time the unit was in the geofence.
Consumed by ImpFCS/AbsFCS/InsFCS/FLSThe volume of the consumed fuel detected by ImpFCS/AbsFCS/InsFCS/FLS during the time the unit was in the geofence.
Consumed by math/math for FLSThe volume of the fuel consumed during the time the unit was in the geofence calculated by math.
Consumed by ratesThe volume of the fuel consumed during the time the unit was in the geofence calculated by rates.
Avg consumptionThe average fuel consumption detected by all fuel sensors during the time the unit was in the geofence.
Avg consumption by ImpFCS/AbsFCS/InsFCS/FLSThe average fuel consumption detected by ImpFCS/AbsFCS/InsFCS/FLS during the time the unit was in the geofence.
Avg consumption by math/math for FLSThe average fuel consumption calculated by math during the time the unit was in the geofence.
Avg consumption by ratesThe average fuel consumption calculated by rates during the time the unit was in the geofence.
ImageThe images received from the unit. Viewing images in reports and the functions available while doing this are described here.

For the Units table, the same settings are available as for other tables.

For the report on a group of geofences, activate the Detalization option in the table settings to see the detailed information about the visits of the unit or units to each geofence.

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See also