Interval Filtration

When executing most tabular reports in the Wialon system, time intervals corresponding to the table type are retrieved from the unit history. For example, the intervals refer to the unit trips in a report on trips, while in a report on geofences, the intervals refer to the unit being within a geofence. You can apply filtration to these intervals on the basis of certain parameters. For example, the report can show only those trips that lasted longer than the specified time, or only those geofence visits during which the vehicle was parked.

You can see the Interval filtration section on the Settings tab of the table properties. The available filters, that is, the parameters on the basis of which filtration is carried out, depend on the table type.

You can apply several filters simultaneously. To change the order in which the filters are applied, click on the icon and drag the list items above or below.

All filters except for the mileage filter work only with integer values.

All the possible filters are described in detail below.

Additional parameters

The filter is available for the Eco driving table. If the Show all trips option is enabled in the filter, the report on units with the specified eco driving parameters includes all trips, and not only the ones with violations.

You can also find a filter with the same name in the settings of the Non-visited geofences table for the report on a group of units. If the Consider group as a whole option is enabled in this filter, the report shows the geofences that weren’t visited by any unit of the group.

Counter sensor value range

This filter is only used in the properties of the Counter sensors and the Fuel traffic tables. In the latter, you can find it in the Sensors filter.

In the Minimum and Maximum fields, you can specify the lower and/or upper limit of the sensor values. The filter is applied to the whole sensor operation interval, not to individual sensor values.

If the option is used for an instant counter sensor, the filter is applied to the sum of its values within the sensor operation interval.

Custom fields

The filter is available in the Orders table and works by custom fields specified in the order properties in the Logistics application. It allows you to specify the names of custom fields which should be shown in the report. If the filter is disabled, the report shows all the custom fields from the orders included in the routes for the selected report interval.

Custom field masks

The filter is available for the Custom fields table. Here you can specify masks for the names and values of custom fields.

Custom sensor masks

In this filter, you can specify the masks of custom sensors which should be taken into account when running the report. The filter is available in the Digital sensors, Geofences, Fuel filling, Fuel drains, Eco driving tables.

Custom sensor name

The filter allows you to specify the name of a custom sensor, the value of which can be displayed in the following report columns:

ColumnsTablesReport type

Avg value of custom sensor

Min. value of custom sensor

Max. value of custom sensor

Final value of custom sensor


Fuel fillings

Engine hours


Fuel drains

Digital sensors

Unit group

Eco driving


Unit group


Group of drivers

In the Custom sensor name field, specify the full name of the custom sensor the value of which you want to see in the report. To specify the names of several sensors, click Add custom sensor name.

Data source

This filter is used only in the Driver activity and Infringements tables in reports on drivers and their groups. In the filter, you should select a data source to determine the driver activity.

The following sources are available:


Files from the driver card

Files from the driver card are the only reliable source for displaying tachograph information in Wialon.

There are two ways to upload a file from the driver card to Wialon:

  • using the Request DDD file command (see the guide below in the Qestions and answers section). This method is available only for the devices which support downloading files from a tachograph. See the list of such devices here;
  • using third-party software. For example, you can connect the tracker to your computer and upload the file to Wialon using the Tacho Manager app. When uploading the file, you should select the driver it belongs to.

Online data

If you select this option, the source of online data selected on the Advanced tab of the unit properties is used.

Assignments and trips

This data source allows determining the driver activity based on messages from the tracker, even if the unit doesn't have a tachograph. The activity is determined on the basis of the driver's assignments and separations as well as trips which can be calculated using the ignition and speed sensors.

Unlike the same-name source of online data, this source allows recalculating data on the driver activity for the past period. Thus, when you run the report again, the result changes if:

The Online data and Assignments and trips sources can only give you an approximate idea of whether the driver sticks to the work and rest regime. For accurate information, use the files from the driver card.

Questions and answers

How can I start to use tachographs and unload DDD files from a driver's card?

1. You need a tachograph and a tracker which supports unloading DDD files.

2. Create a driver in the monitoring interface. The value of the Code field must correspond to their personal card’s number.

3. Create a sensor of the Driver assignment type and add the unit to the driver’s automatic assignment list.

4. Create a command for unloading a DDD file on the Commands tab of the unit properties. The command syntax may vary depending on the device type.

5. For sending a command of querying a DDD file, the unit must have an open TCP connection (the timeout depends on the type and the configuration of the tracker).

6. After unloading a DDD file the following line appears in the messages:

  • driver_card1_file=C_хх_1256.ddd, register_ddd=0 — the unloading has been successful, but the file hasn’t been attached to the driver (not enough access rights to the resource or there is no driver with such a code);
  • driver_card1_file=C_хх_1256.ddd, register_ddd=1 — the unloading has been successful, the file has been attached to a definite driver.

The syntax of the response depends on the type of device used. Some devices send an additional response by means of the Chat with drivers window.

The time needed for unloading a file depends on the tracker (it may take from 5 to 30 minutes approximately).

7. You can view the downloaded file and check the driver’s work for a previous interval in the application Tacho View.

8. The DDD files from a driver’s card are stored in a resource. The storage period of such files is not limited; they are deleted together with the resource they belong to.


This filter allows you to include the intervals within which drivers were assigned to the units, or to exclude such intervals from the report.

The following options are available in the filter:

With driver

The report shows those intervals within which drivers were assigned to the units.

In the Name mask field, you can specify the name mask of the driver whose intervals should be included in the report. The mask also works if several drivers were assigned to the unit simultaneously within a certain interval. To see several drivers in the report, enable the Multiple drivers/trailers option in the template settings. 

Example. A report on trips is executed. During one of the trips, two drivers were assigned to the unit: John and David. If John is specified in the Name mask field, the report shows only those trips, during which only this driver was assigned. If *John* is specified in the field, the report also shows the trip during which the two drivers were assigned.

The intervals are shown entirely, regardless of when the driver was assigned: at the beginning, end or middle of the interval. If you want to see exactly the part of the interval during which the driver was assigned to the unit, enable the Retrieve intervals option.

Without driverThe report shows the intervals during which no driver was assigned to the unit.
Driver group

The report displays the intervals during which any driver from the specified group was assigned to the unit. The group name or name mask should be specified in the Name mask field. The principle of extracting intervals is the same as in the case of the With driver option (see the description above).


This filter consists of the Min duration and Max duration fields where you can specify the minimum and maximum duration of the intervals to be shown in the report. The maximum allowed value for this filter is 999 h 59 min 59 s (about 41 days and 16 hours).

Example. A value of 10 minutes is indicated in the Min duration field. A report on trips is executed. All the trips lasting 10 minutes or more will be included in the report.

Engine hours

Here in the Min engine hours and Max engine hors fields, you can specify the minimum and/or maximum duration of engine hours required for the interval to be included in the report. The maximum allowed value for this filter is 99 h 59 min 59 s (about 4 days and 4 hours).

The duration of the engine hours is determined by the sensor of engine hours. You can specify its name or mask in the Engine hours sensor filter.

Engine hours sensor

In this filter, you can specify a name mask for the engine hours sensor in the Name mask field. The mask can be used in the report itself, if it has columns with engine hours, and for the Engine hours filter, if this filter is enabled.


This filter is available for the Events and Violations tables. It allows you to see only those events the text of which matches the specified mask.

If the Registered manually from online notifications option is enabled, only custom events registered manually from the online notification window are shown in the report.

Field type

This filter is available for the Custom fields table. It allows you to see general custom fields (those without the Administrative status), administrative or all custom fields.

Fuel fillings

This filter allows you to see the intervals within which fuel fillings were detected, or intervals without fillings. In the Min filling and Max filling fields, you can specify the minimum or maximum filling volume which is required for including intervals in the report.

If the Sum up fillings option is enabled, the volumes of all the fillings within the interval are summed up and compared to the value from the Min filling and/or Max filling fields. If the condition is met, the interval is included in the report.

Example. A report on trips is executed. Durin the trip, the system detected fuel fillings of 1 l, 2 l, and 3 l. In the Min filling field, a value of 5 litres is specified. If the Sum up fillings option is disabled, such a trip is not shown in the report. If the option is enabled, the trip is displayed in the report because the total volume of the fillings is 6 litres.

Fuel drains

The filter allows you to see the intervals within which fuel drains were detected or intervals with no fuel drains.

If the With drains option is selected, then you can specify the minimum and/or maximum amount of fuel drained at one time in the Min drain and Max drain fields in order for the interval to be included in the report. If the Sum up drains option is activated, then the sum of all drains within the interval should meet the conditions from the fields.

Example. A report on trips is executed. A value of 5 l is specified in the Min drain field. During the trip, drains of 2 l, 3 l and 4 l were detected. If the Sum up drains option is disabled, the trip is not shown in the report. If it is enabled, the trip is shown because the total volume of drains is 9 liters.


The filter allows you to see those intervals within which the unit was inside or outside of the selected geofence or area around the selected unit. Only geofences that belong to the same resource as the report template itself can be displayed here.

By default, the intervals are shown entirely. To see only those parts of the interval during which the unit was inside or outside of the geofence/unit area, enable the Retrieve intervals option.

The filter section consists of two lists: the list of geofences and the list of units. Above each list, there is a dynamic search by item name.

For each list item, you can specify one of three statuses:

  • : not to take the item into account;
  • : display the intervals within which the unit was inside this geofence or unit area;
  • : display the intervals within which the unit was outside this geofence or unit area;

For units, you can specify the radius of the area around them, that is, how close the unit on which the report is executed should be to these units in order for the interval to be included in the report.

To select all the items in the list, hold Ctrl while selecting them. If a group is marked, then all the geofences or units from the group are considered selected. In this case, an interval is shown in the report if any of these geofences and/or unit areas were visited during it.

In the properties of the Fuel traffic table, the Include only units with tank fuelling option is available in the Geofences/Units filter. It allows you to see only those units that were refilled within the report interval, when a unit from the report was inside their radius. For example, this option can be used in a situation where a fuel tanker refills several vehicles.

Merge intervals condition

This filter is used only in the properties of the Counter sensors and Fuel traffic tables. In the latter, you can find it in the Sensors filter.

In the Timeout less than field, you can specify the minimum time between intervals. If the time between intervals is less than or equal to the specified in the field, they are combined into one. In this case, the intervals are merged first, and then filtered by other parameters.


Here in the Min mileage and Max mileage fields, you can specify the maximum and/or minimum mileage required for the interval to be included in the report. Fractional values are allowed, with a point as a separator.


The filter allows you to see only those intervals within which parking periods were detected (With parkings option), or only those intervals within which there were no parking periods (Without parkings option). Parking periods are detected according to the settings in the trip detector. See the detailed description here.

If the With parkings option is selected, you can specify the minimum parking duration in the Min duration field in order for the interval to be included in the report. If the Sum up intervals option is enabled, the duration of all the parking periods within the interval is summed up and compared with the specified minimum duration.

Example. A report on geofence visits is executed. You want the report to show only the visits during which the unit was parked. A value of 10 min. is specified in the Min duration field. The unit had been parked inside the geofence for 5 and for 7 minutes. If the Sum up intervals option is disabled, the geofence visit won’t be included in the report. If the option is enabled, the visit will be shown in the report because the total parking duration was 12 minutes and the minimum duration requirement was met.

Route points

This filter is available in the Check points table. Here in the Schedule name and Route name fields, you can specify masks for schedules and/or routes, respectively. In this case, the report will only show the check points related to the specified schedules and/or routes.

Score-based rating colour

This filter is used in the Eco driving table for the report on a group of drivers. The filter allows highlighting rank cells with different colours.

You can specify rank values and their corresponding colours in the table or scale mode. Specifying the rank colours, with some exceptions, is similar to specifying the colour intervals for the sensor.


This filter allows you to see the intervals within which a sensor of the Digital group was on or off.

The following options are available for the filter:

With sensor on

The report shows the intervals within which the sensor was on. By default, the intervals in the report are displayed entirely. To see only those parts of the interval during which the sensor was on, activate the Retrieve intervals option.

In the Sensor masks filter, you can specify the name of a sensor or a mask for several sensors. If several sensors are specified, the report shows the intervals within which all of them were on at the same time. If no sensor is specified, all the unit sensors are taken into account in the report.

With sensor off

The report shows the intervals within which the sensor was off. For this option, you can also retrieve intervals and specify a sensor mask (see the description above).

Min duration

The minimum time during which the sensor should be on or off in order for the interval to be shown in the report.

Max duration

The maximum time within which the sensor should be on or off in order for the interval to be shown in the report. This option is used if you don't want the report to take into account the sensors that are on for a long time.

Retrieve intervals

If the option is disabled, the intervals in the report are shown entirely when they match the filter conditions. If the option is enabled, then the report shows only those parts of the interval during which the sensor was on or off. Each such part occupies a separate line.

Sum up intervals

This option can only be used if the Min duration and/or Max duration fields are filled in. If it is enabled, then all the periods during which the sensor was on or off within the report interval are summed up and the result is compared with the specified duration value. If the amount matches the condition, the interval is shown in the report.

Example. A report on trips with the sensor on is executed. A value of 60 seconds is indicated in the Min duration field. The Sum up intervals option is activated. During the trip, the sensor was on for 20 seconds, for 30 seconds and for 15 seconds, that is, for a total of 65 seconds. This value meets the minimum duration condition, therefore, the trip is shown in the report.

Sensor masks

Here you can specify the masks of the sensors which should be taken into account when executing the report. The specified masks influence:

  • Sensors filter**;**
  • values in the Counter, Initial counter, Final counter columns;
  • values in the columns related to engine revolutions, temperature and fuel;
  • custom sensor values if the Custom sensor masks filter is not used.

The mask of the engine hours sensor is specified separately in the Engine hours sensor filter.

Speed range

Here in the Min speed and Max speed fields, you can the minimum and/or maximum unit speed required for the interval to be included in the report.

If you want the report to show only those periods during which the speed met the specified conditions, activate the Retrieve intervals option.


The following options are available in the filter:

With stopsThe report shows intervals within which stops were detected.
Without stopsThe report shows intervals within which no stops were detected.

The intervals themselves are shown entirely.


The filter allows you to see the intervals within which a trailer or no trailers were assigned to the unit. The options in this filter work in the same way as the options in the Driver filter.


The following options are available in the filter:

With tripsThe report shows intervals within which a unit trip was detected, even if only a part of it is included in the interval.
Without tripsThe report shows intervals within which no trips were detected.

The system detects trips in accordance with the parameters specified on the Trip detector tab of the unit properties.

Example. You execute a report on geofence visits and want the system to ignore the false coordinates sent by the unit while parked, so that the visit is not divided into several visits. For this purpose, enable the Trips filter and select the With trips option.


This filter is used in reports on the assignments of passengers, trailers and their groups, as well as in reports of the Geofences and Groups of geofences types.

In the list, you can select units or unit groups which should be taken into account in the report.


In the Log table you can filter the data by the user who performed actions in the system. Specify the name or mask of the user name in the filter to see only the changes made by this user in the report.


The filter is available in the Eco driving table. Here you can specify the name mask of violations which should be taken into account when executing the report.

‘Retrieve intervals’ option

The Retrieve intervals option is available for some filters. It allows to show in the report table only those segments that match the additional criteria specified in the interval filter.

Example 1. The With driver filter is used in a trip report. The trip lasted from 08:00 to 16:00. The driver was assigned to the unit at 14:00 and separated from it at 16:40. If the Retrieve intervals option is disabled, the report shows the entire trip from 08:00 to 16:00.

If the option is enabled, only the part of the trip from 14:00 to 16:00 is shown.

Example 2. A report on trips is being executed. It is known that the unit travelled at speeds above 90 km/h during the indicated period of time. On the unit track the speed above 90 km/h is marked in orange colour, and above 120 km/h is marked in red colour. The user needs to show in the report only the segments where the unit travelled at a speed of 89 km/h and above (Image 1).

To do this, in the Speed filter, specify a minimum value of 89 km/h. If you execute the report with these settings, it will show the entire interval where the speed was higher than 89 km/h (Image 2).

To show in the report only those segments where the speed was higher than 89 km/h, you need to enable the Retrieve intervals option in the Speed filter.

This will exclude the segments marked on the track with purple and blue colour (Image 3).

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