Reports on Passengers

The Assignments report can be generated on passengers.

The Assignments table can include the time and location of the passengers boarding/leaving a vehicle, name of the unit used by passengers, duration of a trip, etc.

PassengerThe name of the passenger assigned to a unit (only in the report on the group of passengers).
BeginningThe time a passenger was assigned to a unit.
Initial locationThe location of the passenger when assigned to a unit.
EndThe time the passenger was separated from a unit. If the separation happened automatically and the Show and mark as incomplete parameter is selected in the table as the action for an incomplete interval, Unknown is shown in the field.
Final locationThe location of the passenger when separated from a unit. If the separation happened automatically and the Show and mark as incomplete parameter is selected in the table as the action for an incomplete interval, a dash is shown in the field.
MileageThe distance the passenger travelled by the time they were separated from a unit.
UnitThe name of the unit to which the passenger was assigned.
DriverThe name of the driver of the unit to which a passenger was assigned.
DurationThe time the passenger spent on the trip (time between the assignment and the subsequent separation). In case of an automatic separation, 0:​00:​00 is indicated in this field.

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