How to Upgrade Wialon Local from v2304 to v2404

To upgrade Wialon Local from version 2304 to 2404, follow the steps below.

  1. In version 2404, we are switching to a new system of launching the admin site (wlocal service): the pm2 component will be used instead of forever. To upgrade, perform the following actions on the server:

    npm -g install pm2
    service wlocal stop
    sed -i 's/forever/pm2/g' /etc/init.d/wlocal
    systemctl daemon-reload
    service wlocal start
  2. Before upgrading Debian, you should retain the old versions of the python and libpython packages. For this purpose, run the following command:

    apt-mark hold python python2.7 libpython2.7 
  3. Stop Wialon Local.

  4. Upgrade the operating system to Debian 12 Bookworm.

If the error **unknown directive "echo" in /etc/nginx/conf.d/lcm.conf:9** occurs after upgrading the **nginx** package, install an additional **nginx-extras** package:
apt-get install nginx-extras
  1. Start Wialon Local.
  2. Install Wialon Local version 2404.
In version 2404, we have updated the basic skins in the monitoring system. If you have problems with the personalization configured previously for a basic skin, go to the site settings, select default_classic in the Skin field and disable the New login page option. The default_classic skin corresponds to the basic skin in Wialon Local 2304.
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