Notification Text
You can specify text for the following notification actions:
- notify by email;
- notify by SMS;
- send notification to Telegram;
- display online notification in a pop-up window;
- send mobile notification;
- send a request;
- register event for unit.
The notification text can be in any language and contain any characters.
If the Notify by SMS action is selected, it is not advisable to specify a long text. If the text length exceeds the maximum allowed SMS message length, the text is sent in multiple messages.
If you select the Send a request action, you should enter the request parameters in the notification text. In addition to the parameters, you can enter text using URL encoding. If you use this action together with others (for example, notify by email or SMS), the same text is generated for all the notifications.
You can add tags to the text. These are keywords which are converted to the values to which they correspond when the notification is triggered. For example, the text “%UNIT% violated speed limits and at %POS_TIME% it was moving at a speed of %SPEED% near ‘%LOCATION%’” is converted to "Rover119 violated speed limits and at 2022-05-01 12:01: 37 was moving at a speed of 156 km/h near the ‘KU 8, Thurnau, DE’. To add a tag to the text, click on it or enter it manually.
A tag must be marked with a percent sign on both sides. Otherwise, it is considered as plain text and is not replaced by real values.
The units of measurement (kilometres or miles) used to decipher the tags depend on the settings of the resource to which the notification belongs. The date and time format is taken from the settings of the resource creator.
A set of tags which can be used in the text depends on the notification type. Below is a list of tags available for most notification types.
Tag | Description |
%UNIT% | The name of the unit. |
%UNIT_ID% | The internal ID of the unit in the system. |
%CURR_TIME% | The current date and time. |
%LOCATION% | The location of the unit at the moment when the notification was triggered. |
%LAST_LOCATION% | The last known location of the unit. The tag can be useful if the message that triggered the notification doesn't contain location data. |
%LOCATOR_LINK(60,T)% | The locator link to the location of the unit about which the notification is received. In brackets, specify the link lifespan in minutes and, if necessary, add the parameters T and G for displaying tracks and geofences, respectively. The default lifespan of the locator link is 60 minutes. For an unlimited lifespan, enter 0 (zero). |
%ZONE_MIN% | The smallest of the geofences in which the unit was at the moment when the notification was triggered. The geofence name is displayed instead of the tag only if the geofence and the notification belong to the same resource. |
%ZONES_ALL% | All the geofences in which the unit was at the moment when the notification was triggered. |
%SPEED% | The speed of the unit. The tag doesn't work in notifications about fuel fillings and drains. |
%POS_TIME% | The date and time of the message which triggered the notification. If this message doesn't contain location data, the tag is replaced by the date and time of the last message with this data. |
%MSG_TIME% | The date and time of the message which triggered the notification. |
%MSG_TIME_INT% | Unix time of the message which triggered the notification. |
%NOTIFICATION% | The name of the notification. |
%DRIVER% | The name of the driver assigned to the unit at the moment when the notification was triggered. It is shown only if the driver belongs to the same resource as the notification. |
%DRIVER_PHONE% | The phone number of the driver. |
%TRAILER% | The name of the trailer assigned to the unit at the moment when the notification was triggered. It is shown only if the trailer belongs to the same resource as the notification. |
%SENSOR(*)% | The sensor and its value. Specify the sensor name or mask in brackets. If you leave the asterisk in brackets, all the sensors of the unit and their values are shown. The tag doesn't work in notifications about fuel fillings and drains. Sensor values can be displayed in rounded form. For this purpose, the required rounding format must be selected in your user settings. If you are not logged in, but the notification is triggered, the format is taken from the settings of the user who created the resource where the notification is stored. If On/Off is specified as a unit of measurement for a digital sensor, or if no unit of measurement is indicated whatsoever, the tag is replaced by On or Off. If another unit of measurement is specified, for example, Activated/Deactivated, the tag is replaced by these values. |
%ENGINE_HOURS% | The value of engine hours at the moment when the notification was triggered. |
%MILEAGE% | The value of mileage at the moment when the notification was triggered. |
%LAT% | Latitude at the moment when the notification was triggered. (for example, N 55° 45.7530'). |
%LON% | Longitude at the moment when the notification was triggered. (for example, E 37° 35.2068'). |
%LATD% | Latitude without formatting. |
%LOND% | Longitude without formatting. |
%GOOGLE_LINK% | The link to Google Maps with the unit location at the moment when the notification was triggered. (for example,,37.586780E). |
%CUSTOM_FIELD(*)% | The custom fields from the unit properties. If you leave the asterisk in brackets, all the custom fields, including the administrative ones, and their values are shown. To get the value of a certain field, specify its full name in brackets. In this case, only the field value is shown in the notification (without the field name). |
The time tags use the time zone specified for the creator of the resource in which the notification is stored.
The tags described below are applied to specific notification types.
Tag | Description |
%SPEED_LIMIT% | The speed limit at the moment of triggering the notification. It is used in the notifications of the Speed type, when the Road speed limits control type is selected. |
%SPEEDING_VALUE%. | The value by which the speed limit was exceeded. It is used in the notifications of the Speed type, when the Road speed limits control type is selected. |
%ZONE% | The name of the geofence about which the notification is received. Used in the notifications about geofences. In the notification of the Outside geofence type, the tag %ZONE% is replaced by the names of the geofences in which the unit was at the moment of the previous message, but which it has already left. If there are no such geofences or the previous message with location data is not found, the notification text displays only the tag name (%ZONE%). |
%ZONE_DESC% | The description from the geofence properties. Used in the notifications about geofences. |
%SENSOR_NAME% | The name of the sensor that triggered the notification. Used with the notification types for which you can specify sensor masks. If the Sum up values option is selected, then from all the sensors the values of which are summed up, the tag is replaced by the name of the sensor that has the smallest ID in the system. Thus, the name you see instead of the tag doesn't depend on the sensor value. |
%SENSOR_VALUE% | The sensor value that triggered the notification. Used with the notification types for which you can specify sensor masks. |
%TRIGGERED_SENSORS% | All the sensors that triggered the notification, and their values. Used with the notification types for which you can specify sensor masks. In contrast to the %SENSOR_NAME% tag, here you can see exactly those sensors the values of which fall within the specified range (if the In range activation type is selected) or are ouside the range (if the Out of range activation type is selected). |
%LOSE_RESTORE% | Losing or restoring connection. Used in the notifications of the Connection loss type. |
%SERVICE_NAME% | The name of the service. Used in the notifications of the Maintenance type. |
%SERVICE_TERM% | The state of the service: how much time, kilometres or engine hours are left or how much time, kilometres or engine hours the service is overdue. |
%PARAM_NAME% | The name of the parameter controlled by means of the notification. Used in the notifications of the Parameter in a message type. |
%PARAM_VALUE% | The value of the parameter. Used in the notifications of the Parameter in a message type. |
%SMS_TEXT% | The text of the SMS message. Used in the notifications of the SMS type. |
%VOLUME% | The volume of the fuel filling or drain. Used in the notifications about fillings and drains. |
%INITIAL_LEVEL% | The fuel level at the moment when the fuel filling or drain started. |
%FINAL_LEVEL% | The fuel level at the moment when the fuel filling or drain ended. |
%TIME_FROM% | The start time of the fuel filling or drain. |
%TIME_TO% | The end time of the fuel filling or drain. |
%DURATION% | The duration of the fuel filling or drain in minutes. |
%DRIVER_ID% | The code of the driver. Used in the notifications of the Driver type |
%DRIVER_NAME% | The name of the driver. Used in the notifications of the Driver type. |
%TRAILER_ID% | The code of the trailer. Used in the notifications of the Trailer type |
%TRAILER_NAME% | The name of the trailer. Used in the notifications of the Trailer type. |
%TAG_ID% | The code of the passenger. Used in the notifications about passengers. |
%TAG_NAME% | The name of the passenger. Used in the notifications about passengers. |
%OTHER_UNIT% | The name of the other unit. Used in the notifications of the Interposition of units type. |
%MSG_COUNT% | The number of messages. Used in the notifications of the Excess of messages type. |
%ROUTE_NAME% | The name of the route. Used in the notifications about the route progress. |
%ROUTE_STATUS% | The state of the ride. |
%ROUTE_POINT% | The name of the route check point. |
%ROUTE_SCHEDULE% | The name of the route schedule. |
%ROUND_NAME% | The name of the ride. |
%COUNTRY% | The name of the country. Used in the notifications of the Address type. |
%REGION% | The name of the region (state, etc.). |
%CITY% | The name of the city (town, etc.). |
%STREET% | The name of the street. |
%HOUSE% | The number of the house. |
If the data is unknown, the tags are displayed as they are, that is, they are not replaced by any values. The exceptions are the following tags which are not displayed in the notification text when there is no data:
Units and unit groups | Date and time | Location and geofences | Passengers | Others |