Basic Concepts and Components

GPS tracking system Wialon Local is a software product that allows the end users to control their units (vehicle fleet, machinery, employees, pets, etc.).

Unit tracking includes:

  • detecting units’ position and watching their movements on the map;
  • observing dynamic changes of various units’ parameters such as speed, fuel level, temperature, voltage, etc.;
  • managing units (sending commands and messages, assigning jobs and routes, adjusting notifications, etc.) and drivers (phone calls, SMS, work shifts);
  • controlling units’ movements along the routes;
  • interpreting the information derived from unit in various kinds of reports (tables, charts);
  • and much more.

Tracking results can be presented on the computer screen as well as exported to files in different formats.

The main components of Wialon Local are described below.

Administration system

The administrator of Wialon Local can start and stop Wialon, watch its operation, monitor errors, take care of memory consumption and CPU load, etc.

In addition, the configuration of the system is adjusted in the Administration system where one can install updates, add maps, sites, and modems, etc. The detailed description of the Administration System can be found in the corresponding section of this guide.

Management system

The CMS Manager management system is developed for the managers of Wialon Local. CMS refers to Content Management System. Content in this context is system macro-objects which are:

Macro-objects differ from micro-objects in several ways:

  • They exist independently and are not a part of a bigger object like a resource.
  • They can include smaller items as their contents, and those items are deleted together with the macro-object they belong to. As mentioned above, a resource can hold geofences, jobs, notifications, drivers, report templates and orders. A unit can contain sensors, commands, custom fields, and service intervals. Users and unit groups can only contain custom fields.
  • Access rights are assigned to macro-objects, and they affect these objects and their contents. That is why the dialog of macro-object properties usually has a special Access tab to manage rights.
  • Such macro-objects as retranslators, accounts (resources), and billing plans can be accessed only through the management system (that is CMS Manager).

CMS Manager is designed to work with these items: create, configure, update, copy, import, export, delete them, and, what is the most important, distribute access rights to these objects. An access right is a possibility to view some system objects and perform allowed actions over them.

These functions can also be partially fulfilled in the monitoring system. However, the main difference here is that CMS Manager has a handy easy-to-use system that allows to work with a great number of items, filter them by different criteria, display them in the form of a table, create tabs with search results, and much more. Besides, the exclusive privilege of CMS Manager is the possibility to work with accounts (that is to control payment, restrict services and adjust their cost) and retranslators.

There is one type of macro-object that is not available in CMS Manager — route. Routes can be created only in the monitoring system of Wialon Local. They store checkpoints and schedules inside and do not depend on any resource. However, it is possible to manage access to routes — through user properties dialog. The detailed description of CMS Manager can be found in the Management system section of this guide.

Monitoring system

In the monitoring system of Wialon Local, the end users watch their units and create and configure diverse system micro-objects for their tracking purposes:

These items cannot exist independently and are a part of some resource.

The detailed description of the Wialon Local monitoring system can be found in the same-name section.

Wialon DB

Wialon Local has an embedded data storage system Wialon DB, a proprietary DBMS with stable support for transactional processing and replication features. Physically it is located in the folder storage of your Wialon Local. All kind of communication with the database is done either via the provided web interfaces or using various development tools.


WebGIS is a cartographic server included in Wialon Local. All the address information used for the tracking of units and for the reports is taken by default from it. The detailed description of WebGIS can be found in the corresponding section.

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