To ensure stable server performance and avoid overloading, you can adjust the limitations listed below.
Limitation | Description | Recommended value |
Report execution timeout, s | If the execution of a report on the server exceeds the value indicated here, it is aborted. | 300 |
Loaded messages per user | The number of messages that a user can load in all sessions. If this limit is reached, the user may have difficulties executing reports, viewing tracks, importing messages, and so on. | 15 000 000 |
Active sessions for IP | The maximum number of active sessions of one user from one IP address. | 100 |
Simultaneous heavy requests | By heavy requests, we mean message loading, report execution, etc. In this field, you should indicate how many heavy requests can be processed simultaneously in a session. | 3 |
Failed logins for IP per minute | The maximum number of unsuccessful logins from one IP address in a minute. If the recommended value is exceeded, the IP address of the user is blocked for one minute. | 10 |
Successful logins for IP per minute | The allowed number of successful logins from one IP address in a minute. If the recommended value is exceeded, the IP address of the user is blocked for one minute. | 120 |
ACL update timeout, s | The interval of the recalculation of the users’ access rights to system objects. The smaller the interval is, the higher is the load on the server. | 500 |
Allowed time advance in messages, s | The allowed time advance in messages with which their delayed registration is carried out (values from 0 to 84,600 are available). Applicable in cases when the device time is ahead of the server time. | 3600 |
Rows in reports | The maximum number of rows in reports. Values from 20 to 4,000,000 are available. | 400 000 |
Notification executions for unit per minute | The maximum number of notification executions for one unit per minute. | 60 |
Simultaneous SDK requests | The maximum number of simultaneous SDK requests. | 10 |
Event requests per minute | The maximum number of event requests per minute in a session. | 60 |
Messages requested per minute | The maximum number of messages requested per minute. | 15 000 000 |
Upload file size, MB | The maximum size of the uploaded files (the default value is 200 MB, the maximum allowed value is 2 GB). | 200 |
Request execution time, s | The maximum time for executing a request. If the indicated value is exceeded, the request execution is terminated. | 300 |