
To ensure stable server performance and avoid overloading, you can adjust the limitations listed below.

LimitationDescriptionRecommended value
Report execution timeout, sIf the execution of a report on the server exceeds the value indicated here, it is aborted.300
Loaded messages per userThe number of messages that a user can load in all sessions. If this limit is reached, the user may have difficulties executing reports, viewing tracks, importing messages, and so on.15 000 000
Active sessions for IPThe maximum number of active sessions of one user from one IP address.100
Simultaneous heavy requestsBy heavy requests, we mean message loading, report execution, etc. In this field, you should indicate how many heavy requests can be processed simultaneously in a session.3
Failed logins for IP per minuteThe maximum number of unsuccessful logins from one IP address in a minute. If the recommended value is exceeded, the IP address of the user is blocked for one minute.10
Successful logins for IP per minuteThe allowed number of successful logins from one IP address in a minute. If the recommended value is exceeded, the IP address of the user is blocked for one minute.120
ACL update timeout, sThe interval of the recalculation of the users’ access rights to system objects. The smaller the interval is, the higher is the load on the server.500
Allowed time advance in messages, sThe allowed time advance in messages with which their delayed registration is carried out (values from 0 to 84,600 are available). Applicable in cases when the device time is ahead of the server time.3600
Rows in reportsThe maximum number of rows in reports. Values from 20 to 4,000,000 are available.400 000
Notification executions for unit per minuteThe maximum number of notification executions for one unit per minute.60
Simultaneous SDK requestsThe maximum number of simultaneous SDK requests.10
Event requests per minuteThe maximum number of event requests per minute in a session.60
Messages requested per minuteThe maximum number of messages requested per minute.15 000 000
Upload file size, MBThe maximum size of the uploaded files (the default value is 200 MB, the maximum allowed value is 2 GB).200
Request execution time, sThe maximum time for executing a request. If the indicated value is exceeded, the request execution is terminated.300
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