Creating Commands

To create a command, click New, specify its properties, and click OK.

Command properties

Commands have the properties described below.

Command name

The name of the command. Command names should not be repeated in the properties of one and the same unit.

Command type

The initial name of the command in the system. The list shows only those commands which are supported by the unit deviceSee the list of standard commands supported in Wialon.

For one unit, you can create several commands of one and the same type. 


The channel (connection type) via which the command should be sent: Auto, TCP, UDP, Virtual, SMS. The list of channels depends on the device type selected on the General tab. Read more about the channels below.

Phone number

The phone number is required for commands sent via SMS. Some types of equipment can support two SIM cards. In this case, you can select which of the two phone numbers should be used to send the command: First, Second or Any. If you select Any, the message is sent to the first phone number, if specified. If the first number is not specified, the message is automatically sent to the second. You cannot change the number at the time of sending the command.

Access rights

In this section, you should select the access rights that the user should have to send a command. To select several rights, click on their names holding down the Ctrl key.

In addition to the rights selected in this section, the user should also have the Send commands access right to the unit.


Some commands require additional parameters. These could be, for example, the input or output number, the online report interval, and so on.

To specify the parameters, clear the selection of the Without parameters option and fill in the required fields. If the parameters are not specified when creating the command, you should specify them when sending it. The parameters specified when creating the command cannot be changed at the time of sending it.


The channels via which you can send commands are described below.



If this connection type is selected, an available channel is automatically selected when sending the command. If more than one connection type is available, the priorities are the following: Virtual, SMS, TCP, UDP.


When a TCP or UDP channel is selected, the command is sent to the unit only if there is an active TCP or UDP connection between the device and the server.


This channel can be used to send the command to the unit when the device is not online. Such a command is queued and sent via the GPRS channel after the connection is established.

The Virtual commands are not available for some device types, but can be added upon request.


GSM commands are sent via this channel. To use it, the phone number of the device should be specified in the international format in the unit properties, and the SMS messages service should be enabled in the account properties.

Questions and answers

Why do I fail to send a command via the TCP and UDP channels if I have all the required rights?

To send commands via the TCP and UDP channels, the unit should be connected to the server. You can see the connection state of the unit on the Monitoring tab.

The unit was not connected to the server while several commands were sent via the Virtual channel. After the connection had been restored, not all of the commands were executed. Why did that occur?

Depending on the device type, the number of virtual commands in a queue for execution can be limited. If the queue is overfull, the commands sent first are deleted.

The unit has received the command, but its text is incorrect. Why?

This problem occurs mainly while sending SMS commands, when the encryption protocol of the communication service provider differs from the Wialon protocol. In this case, contact the communication service provider because the message has been decrypted incorrectly.

You can find more questions about sending commands and answers to them here.

Parameters of the “Send custom message” command

When configuring the Send custom message command, you can create groups and add messages to them. This allows you to quickly find the required message when sending the command.

To create a new message group, follow the steps below.

  1. Click Add group ().

  2. In the New group field, specify the group name.

  3. Click on the icon to the right of the group name.

  4. In the Message field, enter the text of the message you want to add to the group.

  5. In the Group drop-down list, select the created group.

  6. Click on the Save icon to the right of the message text.

The groups created in this way are saved in the Group drop-down list, and the created messages are stored in the Saved messages list. To delete a group or message, click on the icon .

Creating commands for flespi devices

A set of commands available for a flespi device depends on its type. When creating a command, you can configure its parameters. To do this, deactivate the Without parameters option and click on the Configure button. Next, enter the necessary parameters and click Apply.

If the Without parameters option is activated, you should indicate the parameters every time before sending the command.

For more information about how to send commands from Wialon to flespi devices, follow the link.

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See also