Unit Groups
To work with the Unit groups tab, you should have the following access rights to the unit and unit groups:
- View object and its basic properties. To view the tab.
- Edit ACL-propagated objects. To edit the number of units added to the group.
On this tab, you can add the unit to unit groups (or remove it from them) and see the groups to which it has already been added.
The left list shows all the available groups. The right list shows those groups to which the unit is added.
Actions with unit groups
To add the unit to a group, move the group from the left list to the right one; to remove, vice versa. To move groups, use the icons /
or double-click on the selected groups.
To quickly search for groups by name, use the dynamic filter above the list. To search by the creator or account name, administrative or custom fields, select the corresponding option in the drop-down list above the search.
To select several groups, hold down Ctrl and select the required ones. To select all the groups in the list at once, click Select all.