Installing Backup Server

To install a backup server correctly, it is advisable to meet the requirements indicated below.


The server is installed on the 64-bit Debian 11 operating system. The essential requirement is that the hard drive capacity should not be smaller than the hard drive capacity of the primary server.

The backup server becomes the primary one when the hardware has failed, so it is highly advisable that the characteristics of the primary server and the backup one match, including additional hardware (backup power supply, modems, etc.).

You should install only one Wialon Local or backup service on a server. It is not advisable to install the backup service in a directory which is different from /home/wialon/wl_storage_backup.

The backup server, as well as the primary one with Wialon Local, should have Internet access to connect with the license server.

To save as much data as possible, the devices should have a black box. In this case, messages are fully unloaded a few hours after the service is started (if there are several thousand units; if fewer, unloading takes less than an hour).

Installation process

To install the backup server, use one of the methods described below.

Method 1 (preferred):

  1. Using the Wialon Local ISO image, follow steps 1—5 from the guide on how to install Wialon Local.
  2. When you first enter the contract login and password in the administration system, select the Backup server type in the drop-down list and click Enter. After that, all the required modules are loaded, and the administration system is started in the mode for the backup server. The backup service is installed in the /home/wialon/wl_storage_backup directory.
  3. In the administration system of the backup server, specify the address, port, and access key of the backup server.
  4. In the administration system of the Wialon Local primary server, specify the address, port, and access key of the backup server.

After that, you can start the backup server in the administration system using the Start button.

Method 2:

  1. Download the archive and unpack it.
  2. Start ./ in the working directory.
  3. Answer the configuration questions in the script.
  4. Execute the service wlbackup restart command.
  5. In the Wialon Local administration system, specify the address, port, and access key of your backup server.

Additional scripts:

  • stops the backup module, creates an archive of its database and restarts the backup module. If there is less than 20% of the disk space left or more than 5 storage archive files, the script deletes the oldest archive with the database.
  • adds the script to cron. As a result, the script is executed once a week automatically.

Method 3:

  1. Download the archive.

  2. Unpack it to the working directory.

  3. To activate the backup system on the backup server, open the custom/config.txt configuration file and enter the variable

    ADF_STORAGE_SYNC_SERVER = server_ip:port:access_key


    • server_ip is the backup server address (if there are several interfaces, select the one that should be used for backup);
    • port is the port where the backup server should ‘listen’ for connections;
    • access_key is a parameter required for additional protection of the connection to the port.
  4. Start the service. To do this, go to the directory where the server is installed and execute the ./adf_script start command as the root user. To stop the service, use the ./adf_script stop command.

  5. In the Wialon Local administration system, specify the address, port, and access key of your backup server.

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See also