Reports on Drivers

To generate reports on drivers or driver groups, you should have the Request reports and messages access right to the resource to which these drivers or groups belong. The driver and the report template should belong to the same resource.

The following types of tables can be applied to drivers:


The Assignments table shows when and to which unit the driver was assigned, how long their work shifts lasted, how much fuel was spent, the distance travelled, etc.

The table can include the columns described below.

UnitThe name of the unit to which the driver was assigned.
DriverThe name of the assigned driver (only in the report on the group of drivers).
BeginningThe date and time when the driver was assigned to the unit.
Initial locationThe initial position, that is, the address at that moment (if available).
EndThe date and time when the driver was separated from the unit.
Final locationThe final position, the address at that moment (if available).
DurationThe duration of a work shift.
Total timeThe time from the beginning of the first shift to the end of the last shift.
Engine hoursThe total amount of engine hours for a working interval of the driver.
Engine hours in movement

The number of engine hours for the interval of movement with the assigned driver.

The movement is considered those intervals in which the speed value was greater or equal to the one from the Min moving speed field in the trip detector.

Engine hours in idle runThe number of engine hours for the interval of idling with the assigned driver.
MileageThe distance travelled within the period.
Mileage (adjusted)The mileage taking into account the coefficient set in the unit properties on the Advanced tab.
Urban mileageThe distance travelled in the urban area.
Suburban mile ageThe distance travelled in the suburban area. It is calculated in regards to speed. The urban/suburban speed line is indicated on the Advanced tab (the Urban speed limit setting).
Avg speedThe average speed on a given interval.
Max speedThe maximum speed registered within this work shift.
CounterThe value of the counter sensor.
StatusThe status of the unit registered during the interval (if there are several, the first one is displayed).
ViolationsThe number of violations.
CountThe number of assignments found on a given interval.
ConsumedThe amount of fuel consumed in total for all fuel sensors.
Consumed by ImpFCS/AbsFCS/InsFCS/FLS/math/math for FLS/ratesThe volume of consumed fuel detected by any fuel sensor (such as impulse/absolute/instant fuel consumption sensor, fuel level sensor) or calculated by math or rates.
Avg consumptionThe average fuel consumption, determined from the available fuel sensors.
Avg consumption by ImpFCS/AbsFCS/InsFCS/FLS/math/math for FLS/ratesThe average fuel consumption in the trip detected by one of the methods mentioned above.
Initial fuel levelThe fuel level at the beginning of the work shift.
Final fuel levelThe fuel level at the end of the work shift.
PenaltiesThe penalties calculated for the adjusted Eco driving criteria.
RankThe penalty points, converted into a grade using a 10-point rating system.
NotesAn empty column for your custom comments.

In addition, in the report template to the right of the list of columns, you can specify the units to which the report is applied. If no units are selected in this section, the report will be applied to all available units.

The report is designed in such a way that the first column is the list of units to which the driver was assigned. It is recommended to apply the detalization option to this table to get a possibility to expand any unit and see more detailed information about all work shift.

To determine the intervals of the assignment, the messages from the unit are also taken into account. If there are such messages, they are considered to be of more priority than the messages about the assignment (the intervals are counted according to them).

Custom fields

The Custom fields report shows the list of custom fields entered in the corresponding tab of the driver’s properties. It can be generated for an individual driver as well as for the whole group.

The available columns are listed below.

DriverThe name of the driver (only in the report on the group of drivers).
NameThe custom field name.
ValueThe custom field value.
NotesAn empty column for your custom comments.

Driver activity

The Driver Activity table shows such information as the type of driver’s action, the crew of a vehicle, the state of the tachograph cards. It can include the columns described below.

BeginningThe date and time when the activity begins.
CardThe state of the digital tachograph (inserted/not inserted).
ActivityThe type of driver's activity (rest, work, driving, available, not available).
SourceThe source of data, which is used to generate information about driver activity. The following column values are available: E — the data about trips is used; T — the tachograph data is used; U — the data about driver separation is used; None — the data source is unknown.
UnitThe name of the unit to which the driver is assigned.
DriverThe name of the assigned driver (only in the report on the group of drivers).
DrivingThe time of driving.
WorkThe hours of active work (time spent by the driver on vehicle repair, fuel filling, etc.).
AvailabilityThe hours of passive work (time spent by the second driver in the moving vehicle).
RestThe time for rest of the driver (vehicle is stopped, the driver rests in a specially designated place).
Overall workThe total time spent by the driver on such actions as driving, work, reserve.
SlotThe slot for digital tachograph card (driver or co-driver).
StatusThe vehicle crew size (single/crew).
Daily mileageThe distance covered by the assigned driver during the day (24 hours).

Eco driving

In addition to the information contained in the same name report on unit, the table includes a column with the name of the unit to which a driver is assigned.

If you add a column with a custom sensor value (Avg value of custom sensor, Min value of custom sensor, Max value of custom sensor, Initial value of custom sensor, Final value of custom sensor) to this table, then you should specify the full name of the required sensor in the Custom sensor name filter. Otherwise, you cannot save the report template.


This report shows the information on the violations of labor routine by the driver. The violations are determined in accordance with the AETR regulations.

The report can include the columns described below.


The date and time of the infringement registration.

If the driver has been driving for 6 hours or more, the infringement is registered at the moment when driving, excluding work, has lasted 6 hours (+/- 1 minute) from the start of movement. Such an infringement is considered very serious. If the driver has been driving for 5 to 6 hours, the infringement is registered at the moment when driving has lasted 5 hours, and if they have been driving for 4.5 to 5 hours, the infringement is registered at the moment when driving has lasted 4.5 hours. Such infringements are considered serious and minor, respectively.

Thus, if you run the report for today twice, you may get different data on the last infringement of driving duration. For example, if the driver has managed to drive 4 hours and 40 minutes by the first report execution, and 5 hours by the second, then the infringement registration time and seriousness in the first and second reports will differ. At the same time, regardless of the seriousness degree, the description “Exceeded uninterrupted driving time of 4 h 30 min” is displayed for such infringements.

InfringementThe type of driver's activity the conditions of which have been violated.
DescriptionA short description of the infringement.
SeriousnessThe extent of the infringement.
UnitThe name of the unit to which the driver is assigned.
DriverThe name of the assigned driver (only in the report on the group of drivers).
CountThe number of violations. If the grouping option is activated, this column shows the total number of violations for the selected interval.


This report is similar to the report for a unit. The only difference is that if you add the Custom fields column to the report on drivers or their group, you should specify the names of the required custom fields in the same-name filter. Otherwise, an empty column is shown.

SMS messages

This report shows the correspondence of the dispatcher with the driver via SMS. The dispatcher (operator) can send messages to the driver from the Wialon interface through a special SMS window. The driver sends messages from their mobile phone. This mobile phone number must be indicated in the driver’s properties.

This table is available only for reports on the group of drivers.

The columns that can be included in the table are listed below.

TimeThe date and time when the message arrived.
TypeThe message type: sent (message sent by the dispatcher) or received (message received from the driver).
TextThe text of the message.
PhoneThe phone number of the driver.
Modem phoneThe phone number of the modem that sent/received an SMS.


The Trips table displays the location, duration, speed, and other parameters. It can include the columns described below.

BeginningThe date and time when the trip began.
Initial locationThe address where the device was at the beginning of the trip.
Initial coordinatesThe geographical coordinates of the location of the unit at the beginning of the trip (in decimal degrees).
EndThe date and time when the trip ended.
Final locationThe address where the device was at the end of the trip.
Final coordinatesThe geographical coordinates of the location of the unit at the end of the trip (in decimal degrees).
DriverThe name of the driver assigned to the unit (only in the report on the group of drivers).
UnitThe name of the unit used in the trip.
TrailerThe name of the trailer (if assigned).
DurationThe time interval of the trip.
CO2 emissionsThe amount of CO2 emissions during the trips. It is calculated by multiplying the value in the Mileage column by the value specified on the Profile tab in the unit properties.
Engine hoursThe time of the operation of engine hours during the trip.
MileageThe distance travelled during the whole trip.
Mileage (adjusted)The mileage taking a coefficient set in unit properties (the Advanced tab) into account.
Urban mileageThe distance travelled in the urban area.
Suburban mileageThe distance travelled in the suburban area (i.e. at high speed). The urban/suburban speed line is indicated on the Advanced tab (the Urban speed limit setting).
Avg speedThe average speed within the trip.
Max speedThe maximum speed registered within the interval.
Trips countThe number of completed trips.
ConsumedThe volume of consumed fuel detected by any sort of fuel sensor. If several such sensors are available, their values sum up.
Consumed by mpFCS/ AbsFCS/InsFCS/FLS/math/math for FLS/ratesThe volume of consumed fuel detected by a fuel sensor (such as impulse/absolute/instant fuel consumption sensor, fuel level sensor) or calculated by math or rates. More information about fuel in reports can be found here.
Rates deviation by ImpFCS/ AbsFCS/InsFCS/FLSThe difference between consumed fuel detected by a sensor and consumption rates. If a number in this cell is negative, it means the detected consumption does not exceed the indicated rates.
Avg consumptionThe average fuel consumption by any sort of fuel sensor. If several such sensors are available, their values sum up.
Avg consumption by ImpFCS/ AbsFCS/InsFCS/FLSThe average fuel consumption during the trip detected by one of the methods mentioned above.
Avg consumption in idle run by ImpFCS/ AbsFCS/InsFCS/FLS/math/math for FLS/ratesThe average fuel consumption during the idle run.
Avg mileage per unit of fuel by ImpFCS/ AbsFCS/InsFCS/FLS/math/math for FLS/ratesThe average fuel consumption (per one liter/gallon) detected by one of the methods mentioned above.
Initial fuel levelThe fuel level at the beginning of the trip.
Final fuel levelThe fuel level at the end of the trip.
Max fuel levelThe maximum fuel level during the trip.
Min fuel levelThe minimum fuel level during the trip.
PenaltiesThe penalties calculated for the adjusted Eco driving criteria.
RankThe received penalty points converted into a grade using a 10-point scoring system.
Avg value of custom sensorThe average value of a custom sensor during the trip.
Min value of custom sensorThe minimum value of a custom sensor during the trip.
Max value of custom sensorThe maximum value of a custom sensor during the trip.
Initial value of custom sensorThe custom sensor value at the beginning of a trip.
Final value of custom sensorThe custom sensor value at the end of a trip.
NotesAn empty column for your custom comments.

If you add a column with a custom sensor value (Avg value of custom sensor, Min value of custom sensor, Max value of custom sensor, Initial value of custom sensor, Final value of custom sensor) to this table, then you should specify the full name of the required sensor in the Custom sensor name filter. Otherwise, you cannot save the report template.

Additional possibilities

For the Assignments and SMS messages tables, you can apply grouping by days/weeks/months, but you need to take into account that in these tables only one level of nesting is possible, i.e. units at the first level, generalized information for the specified date/week/month (the second level is not disclosed) at the second one.

In addition, you can query statistics for the reports, where the following fields are possible: report template name, driver name, report interval (beginning and end), and report generation time.

Tracks of the driver’s movements can be displayed on the map.

Most tables can be generated for a group of drivers.

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See also