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General Properties
  • unit_types
  • unit_properties


To work with the General tab, the following access rights are required:

  • View object and its basic properties. To view the tab.
  • View custom fields. To see the unit type.

  • Manage custom fields. To edit the unit type.

  • View connectivity settings. To see the server address.

  • Edit connectivity settings. To see and edit the device type, unique ID, phone number, and access password.

This tab contains the main unit properties. To save a unit in the system, it is enough to fill in the fields marked with an asterisk (*). But in order for the unit to connect to Wialon and be able to send messages, you should also fill in the Unique ID field.


The name of the unit in the system (4-50 characters). It shouldn't contain “(double quotes), {} (curly braces), \ (backslash).

Unit type

In this field, you can select one of the suggested unit types: vehicle, person, animal, container, machine, etc. To cancel the selection, click on the icon.

If the value Vehicle is selected, and the vehicle type is not indicated on the Profile tab, then the link Specify the vehicle type is displayed next to the Unit type field. Click on the link to go to the vehicle type selection.

Device type*

The type of device installed on the unit. Start typing the name of the device model or find it in the drop-down list. The three device types you use most frequently are shown at the top of the list. If the required device is not listed, you can send a request for its integration.

The icon  is displayed next to the field for some device types. Click on it to open the Device configuration window with additional settings available for the selected type.

Server address

The domain name or IP address of the server (switched with the button ) to which the data is sent, and the port of the hardware. The field is filled in automatically after selecting the device type.

After you select the device type, the server IP address and port for that type is specified in the Server address field automatically. Configure your device so that it sends data to the address from the Server address field.

Unique ID

The identification number of the device in the system. It can be the IMEI, serial number, or a custom value. In the hardware information on the wialon.com website, you can find out what is used as a unique ID for your device type. The IMEI and serial number are usually indicated on the tracker. If the ID is customizable or you don't know it, use the unique ID verification service.

The maximum length is 100 characters.

Different units shouldn't have the same values in the Unique ID and Device type fields at the same time. If you create a unit with the ID and device type that are already specified for another unit, the value in the Unique ID field is not saved.

Phone number

The phone number of the SIM card installed in the device. It should be indicated in the international format (for example, +370 ХХХ ХХ ХХХ). If the device supports two SIM cards, you can specify the second number.

Units and drivers shouldn't have the same phone number. If you create a unit with a phone number which is already used for another unit or driver, this value is not saved.


The password of access to the unit which is required in some device types to execute commands and receive data.


The user on whose behalf the unit has been created. The username is displayed only if you have any access rights to this user. Read more about the creator.


The account to which the unit belongs. It is shown only if you have any access rights to this account.

On the General tab, you can also see and configure counters which can be used to calculate mileage, engine hours, and GPRS traffic.

Questions and answers

  I haven’t found my device in the list of supported hardware in Wialon. What should I do?

We’re ready to support a new device by customer’s request. All you need to do is to email us at hw@wialon.com. Please specify the following information in your email if possible:

  • Share your plans on project where you’re going to use this device;
  • Specify device model name and the manufacturer;
  • If you’re in contact with the manufacturer and you have an opportunity to request the device communication protocol, this will speed up the integration process a lot.

In case you don’t have the information mentioned above, don’t worry – we will contact the manufacturer ourselves and try to get whatever is required for integration.

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