This guide describes how to generate reports on data on charges and consumption of electric vehicle batteries.
In reports, the source of data on charges and consumption of electric vehicle batteries is the battery level sensor. Data on manually registered charges may also be displayed.
To view and analyze data on the battery charges and consumption, you can use the following report features:
- Tables of the following types: Engine hours, Fuel filling and battery charges, Trips, Geofences, Trips between geofences, Unfinished trips, Summary, Chronology, Orders, Assignments. In their columns, you can display data on the battery level, the number and volume of charges, battery consumption.
See Tables with data on battery charges and consumption, Adding a table with battery charge data for a specified time period and Adding a table with battery consumption data for trip intervals below. - Statistics.
- Battery level and consumption charts: regular and special.
- Filtering intervals of other tables (for example, intervals of units in a geofence, trips, etc.) depending on whether there were charges in them or not. Filtering by battery charges is available for the following tables: Counter sensors, Digital sensors, Engine hours, Fuel fillings and battery charges, Geofences, Parkings, Rides, Stops, Trips between geofences, Unfinished trips, Visited streets.
Tables with data on battery charges and consumption
Below is a list of report tables and the columns available in them related to battery charges and consumption.
Table | Columns |
Assignments | Energy consumed, Avg. energy consumption, Initial battery level, Final battery level |
Chronology | All columns if battery charges information type is selected. |
Engine hours | Energy consumed, Avg. energy consumption, Energy consumed in motion, Avg. energy consumption in motion, Energy consumed in idle run, Avg. energy consumption in idle run, Avg. energy consumption in trips, Initial battery level, Final battery level, Max. battery level, Min. battery level, |
Fuel fillings and battery charges | Initial battery level, Final battery level, Charged, Registered charge, Charge difference, Charge count |
Geofences | Energy consumed, Avg. energy consumption |
Orders | Energy consumed |
Summary | Energy consumed, Avg. energy consumption, Avg. mileage per unit of charge, Initial battery level, Final battery level, Total charges, Charged |
Trips between geofences | Energy consumed, Avg. energy consumption, Initial battery level, Final battery level, Max. battery level, Min. battery level |
Unfinished Trips | Energy consumed, Avg. energy consumption, Initial battery level, Final battery level, Max. battery level, Min. battery level |
Adding a table with battery charge data for a specified time period
To add a table with battery charge data to the report template, follow these steps:
- In the Report templates section of the Reports tab, open the properties of the template to which you want to add the table, or click Create if you want to create a new report template.
- Click on the New table button.
- Select the table type and the columns you want to see in the report. In the example below, the Fuel fillings and battery charges table type is selected. This table shows both the charges determined automatically by the system based on the battery level sensor and the charges registered manually by the user. In the example, the following columns are selected:
- Time. For charges found by the system, this column shows the time of the largest difference in the battery charge level. For charges registered manually, it shows the time specified during the registration.
- Location. The location of the unit determined by coordinates from the message received during the battery charge.
- Initial battery level. Battery level in kWh before charging.
- Final battery level. Battery level in kWh after charging.
- Charged. The amount of energy by which the battery was charged, in kWh.
- Registered charge. The battery charge volume registered manually, in kWh.
- Charge difference. The discrepancy between the charge volume registered manually and the volume calculated automatically using the battery level sensor.
- Click OK to save the table.
- If necessary, you can add markers that indicate charge locations on the map. For automatically detected charges, check the Charge markers option, for those registered manually (if they do not match the automatic ones in time), the Event markers option. Charge markers () on the map indicate the places where the unit was located while charging. Event markers () indicate the locations specified during the charge registration.
- Click OK.
- On the Reports tab, select the template to which the table has been added, the required unit and time period, and click Execute.
Result: The work area displays a table with data on the battery charges registered manually and automatically, and a map with markers showing charge locations.
Adding a table with battery consumption data for trip intervals
To add a table that shows battery consumption during trips, complete the instructions below.
- Follow steps 1-2 from the guide above.
- Select the Trips table and choose the columns you want to see in the report, including Energy consumed. In the example below, the following columns are selected:
- Beginning. Trip start time.
- End. Trip end time.
- Energy consumed. Amount of energy consumed during the trip.
- Avg. energy consumption. Average battery consumption (in kWh per 100 km or mi) during the trip.
- Avg. mileage per unit charge. Average mileage per unit charge during the trip.
- Initial battery level. Battery level in kWh at the start of the trip.
- Final battery level. Battery level in kWh at the end of the trip.
- Click OK to save the table.
- On the Reports tab, select the template to which the table has been added, then select the required unit and time period, and click Execute.
Result: The work area displays a table in which every row indicates the trip interval. For each of them, you can see data on energy consumption during the trip, battery level at the end and beginning of the trip, and so on.
Battery charging and consumption statistics
Statistics are a part of the report which provides data on the entire period selected for the report. Below are the statistics sections and available rows related to battery charging and consumption for the Unit report type.
Section | Rows |
Statistics | Energy consumed, Avg. energy consumption, Initial battery level, Final battery level, Max. battery level, Min. battery level |
Engine hours | Energy consumed in e/h, Avg. energy consumption in e/h, Energy consumed in e/h in motion, Avg. energy consumption in e/h in motion, Energy consumed in idle run, Avg. energy consumption in idle run |
Fuel fillings and battery charges | Total charged, Total charged as registered manually, Charge difference, Total charges |
Trips | Energy consumed in trips, Avg. energy consumption in trips, Avg. mileage per unit of charge in trips |
Orders | Avg. energy consumption per order, Energy consumed in orders |
Adding statistics on battery charging and consumption
To add statistics on battery charging and consumption to the report template, do the following:
- In the Report templates section of the Reports tab, open the properties of the template to which you want to add the table, or click Create if you want to create a new report template.
- Click on the Statistics button.
- Select the necessary rows related to battery charges and consumption. In the example below, the following rows are selected:
- Energy consumed. Battery charge consumed in kWh for the report period, calculated based on the readings of the battery level sensor.
- Avg. energy consumption. Average battery consumption in kWh for the report period, calculated based on the readings of the battery level sensor.
- Initial battery level. Battery level in kWh at the beginning of the interval for which the report is generated.
- Final battery level. Battery level in kWh at the end of the interval for which the report is generated.
- Max. battery level. Maximum battery level in kWh within the interval for which the report is generated.
- Min. battery level. Minimum battery level in kWh within the interval for which the report is generated.
- Total charges. The number of battery charges within the interval for which the report is generated.
- Total charged. The total amount of energy in kWh by which the battery was charged within the interval for which the report is generated.
- Click OK.
- On the Reports tab, select the template to which the statistics has been added, then select the required unit and time period, and click Execute.
Result: A table with the rows of Statistics is displayed in the work area.
Charts with data on battery charging and consumption
Information about battery charging and consumption is available in the following charts:
- Regular
- Processed battery level (charges, consumption)
- Speed/Battery consumption
The Regular chart contains the Battery level, Processed battery level, Battery consumption curves.
Adding a chart with data on battery charging and consumption
To add a chart with data on battery charging and consumption to the report template, do the following:
- In the Report templates section of the Reports tab, open the properties of the template to which you want to add the chart, or click Create if you want to create a new report template.
- Click on the New chart button.
- Select the chart type: Regular, Processed battery level or Speed/Battery consumption. For the last two, the selection of columns is not required. In the example below, the Processed battery level type is selected.
- Click OK.
- On the Reports tab, select the template to which the chart has been added, then select the required unit and time period, and click Execute.
Result: The chart shows the dependence of the battery charge level on time (kWh/time). The chart line is smoothed taking into account the type of filtering selected in the sensor settings.