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  • events
  • tasks


To access the Tasks tab, you must have the Tasks service enabled in the properties of your account or billing plan.

The following access rights are required to work with tasks:

Type of access rightsAccess rightDescription

Access rights to units

View object and its basic propertiesAllows viewing information about units.

Manage events

Allows registering events for units.

Request reports and messages

Allows viewing tasks and managing them.

Access rights to users

View object and its basic properties

Allows seeing the users to whom tasks are assigned.

Act on behalf of this user

Allows assigning tasks to users.

A task is an event registered for a unit that requires specific actions from the user (for example, contacting the driver, checking data, leaving a comment, etc.).

The Tasks tab allows you to optimize your workflow. Here you can find all tasks and get information about them, manage them, contact drivers and perform other actions.

Tasks are automatically shown on the tab after an event is registered for a unit. This occurs in the following cases:

  • if a notification with the Register event for unit action is triggered;
  • if a user registers an event manually in the window of a triggered online notification;
  • if a user registers an event of the Fuel filling, Battery charge, Maintenance work or Custom event types using the Event registration monitoring option.

Events can be registered in the system in other cases, but no task is created for them. See more details on the Events page.

Read more about tasks and how to work with them on the following pages:

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