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Registering Battery Charges without a Sensor and Displaying them in Reports and on Tracks

If you don't have a battery level sensor, you can manually enter battery charge data and then display this information in a report. The system allows you to register a battery charge in both ways simultaneously—through a sensor and manually—enabling you to compare the data later.

In addition to reports, the registered charges can be shown on tracks.

Registering a battery charge

To register a battery charge, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure that the unit for which you want to register a battery charge is added to the work list on the Monitoring tab and the Event registration option is enabled for the work list.
  2. Click on the icon  in the row of the required unit to open the event registration window.
  3. In the window, select the Battery charge type, specify the amount and cost of the charge, as well as the unit location during charging. The Description and Date fields are filled in automatically, but you can edit them if necessary.
  4. Save the changes.

Result: The entered data on the battery charge is saved in the unit history. Next sections describe how to present this data in the report tables and on tracks.

Registered battery charges in reports

To see the entered charge data in a report, run the report with one of the following tables: Events, Fuel fillings and battery charges, Chronology, Statistics.

Below is an example of running a report with the Events table. The Registered charge column has also been added to the example in the Adding a table with battery charge data for a specified time period guide.

To see the charge data in the Events table, follow these steps:

  1. In the Report templates section of the Reports tab, open the properties of the template to which you want to add the table, or click Create if you want to create a new report template.
  2. Click on the New table button and select the Events type.
  3. Select the columns for the table. In the example, the following are selected:
    • Event time. The time specified when registering the charge.
    • Event text. The description specified when registering the charge.
    • Event type. The type of event, which is a battery charge in this case.
    • Location. The location specified when registering the charge.
  4. In the Event type filter on the Settings tab, select Fuel filling to show only these events in the table.
  5. Click OK to save the table.
  6. In the template properties, go to the Settings tab and select Event markers to see the charging location on the map.
  7. Click OK.
  8. On the Reports tab, select the created template, the required unit and time period, and click Execute.

Result: The work area displays a table with data on battery charges and a map with markers showing the charging locations.

Registered battery charges on unit tracks

To see the locations of registered charges on a unit track, follow the steps in the Displaying charging locations on unit tracks guide. In the track settings, select the Events marker type.

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