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Export to KML and KMZ
  • export

This function allows you to copy geofences from all available resources to a KML or KMZ file

To export geofences, follow these steps:

  1. In the user menu, select the Import/Export item and click Export to KML/KMZ.

  2. Customize the filter by the geofence type or by the resource to which it belongs to find the required geofences.

  3. Select the geofences in the list. To select or clear the selection of all the geofences at once, hold down the Ctrl key and click on any of them.
  4. Enter the file name.
  5. Use the Compress file option to save the geofences in the compressed KMZ format.
  6. Click OK to save the file.

The exported geofence is saved to your local disk. When you export a geofence to a KML or KMZ file, the data from the Group field in the geofence properties is not saved to the file.

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