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Counter Sensors
  • tables

The Counter sensors table shows the operation of the Counter type sensors.

To receive the information about a specific counter sensor, specify its name or part of the name using wildcard symbols — an asterisk * (replaces several characters) or question mark ? (replaces one symbol) in the Sensor masks section of the table settings. The sensor name can't contain commas. If sensor masks are not specified, the information in the table is displayed for all counter sensors of the unit.

The Counter sensors table can include the columns described below.

SensorThe name of the sensor.
ActivatedThe time of activation.
DeactivatedThe time of deactivation.
DurationThe duration of the operation.
Total timeThe time from the beginning to the end of sensor activation. It is recommended to use this column in combination with the grouping parameter or the Total row. If the Total row is configured in the table, it shows all the time that elapsed from the beginning of the first activation of the sensor to the end of the last one.
LocationThe location at the moment of sending the data.
MileageThe distance travelled for the operation period.
Mileage (adjusted)Mileage subject to the coefficient set in the unit properties on the Advanced tab.
Avg speedThe average speed at this interval.
Max speedThe maximum speed at this interval.
CounterThe value of the counter sensor. By default, it is rounded to an integer number.
Geofences/UnitsThe column that includes the names of the geofences or units which were crossed during a given interval. The required geofences and units should be indicated in the filtration parameters. If at some interval there were several geofences or units like that, in the table there will be the name of the geofence with the smallest area or the name of the unit with the smallest radius of approximation. If the sizes coincide, all the names will be included.
DriverThe name of the driver (if available).
TrailerThe name of the trailer (if it was assigned).
PenaltiesThe penalties calculated for the adjusted Eco driving criteria.
RankThe received penalty points converted into a 10-point rating system.
NotesAn empty column for your custom comments.

The mileage values are displayed in the table as fractional numbers. However, when exporting to an Excel file the values are rounded.

Interval filtration can be applied to the Counter sensors table: by duration, mileage, engine hours, speed range, trips, stops, parkings, sensors, drivers, fuel fillings, fuel drains, battery charges, and geofences/units.

The value of the counter sensor can be visualized in the chart that shows the operation intervals of the counter and its value. You can learn more about the charts here.

Questions and answers

  Reports show incorrect mileage. What should I do?

Possible explanations and actions:

1. Outliers of data.

To detect such outliers, build a track of unit movement for the appropriate period. Outliers of data will be seen on the track as dashed lines.

Ways to overcome outliers:

  • Enable filtration of unit positional information in messages (on the Advanced tab of unit properties). This will not affect old messages but applied to new ones.
  • To correct data in reports, change settings of trip detection, in particular, reduce Maximum interval between messages and increase Minimum satellites.

2. Incorrect settings or operation of the mileage counter.

  • Check the mileage counter settings on the General tab of unit properties.

  Do reports display the data on the manual assignment of the driver after the data storage period expires?

Yes, but only if the driver has not had other assignments since they were last assigned to the unit.

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