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Sent Commands
  • tables
  • commands

The Sent commands table lists all the commands that were sent to a unit over the interval period.

Below is a description of the columns that the Sent commands table may contain.

Sending timeThe time when the command was sent to the unit.
UserThe name of the user who sent the command (hidden if you do not have access rights to the user).
Command nameThe name of the command as it is written in the unit properties.
Command typeThe type of the command (see the list).
ParameterThe additional parameter in the command (some commands do not have such parameters).
Execution timeThe time when the command was executed.
ChannelThe type of connection used to execute the command (TCP, UDP, Virtual, SMS).
CountThe number of sent commands.
NotesAn empty column for your custom comments.

This is the list of successfully executed commands. To view all the commands sent to the unit regardless of their execution, go to the Messages tab.

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