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Wialon for Android/iOS
Wialon Local
Wialon Hosting
  • notifications
  • online_notifications

In Wialon, you can configure receiving notifications about events occurring with a unit: speeding, connection loss, fuel fillings and drains, battery charges, maintenance, entering or leaving a geofence, and so on.

Let us create a notification on a geofence entry.

  1. Click Create on the Notifications tab.
  2. Select a unit for which it is created.
  3. Select the type of notification — the condition for its triggering.
  4. Select the control type Inside geofence (the notification is triggered once the unit enters the geofence).
  5. Specify geofences.
  6. Check the actions that should be performed once the notification is triggered.
  7. Enter the text of notification.
  8. Enter the name.
  9. Enter the parameters.
  10. Click OK.

When a notification is triggered, it is displayed in the pop-up window in the upper right corner of the screen.

Depending on the selected action in step 6, triggering a notification may also be a signal to perform various actions: executing a command, changing access to units, sending a report via email, and so on.

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