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  • notifications
  • online_notifications

In Wialon, you can configure receiving notifications about events occurring with a unit: speeding, connection loss, fuel fillings and drains, battery charges, maintenance, entering or leaving a geofence, and so on.

Let us create a notification on a geofence entry.

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  • Click Create (1) on the Notifications tab. Select a unit (2) for which it is created.
  • Select the type of notification — the condition for its triggering (3).
  • Select the control type Inside geofence (the notification is triggered once the unit enters the geofence) (4). Specify geofences (5).
  • Check the actions that should be performed once the notification is triggered (6).
  • Enter the text of notification (7).
  • Enter the name (8) and parameters (9). Click OK (10).

When a notification is triggered, it is displayed in the pop-up window in the upper right corner of the screen.

Depending on the selected action in step 6, triggering a notification may also be a signal to perform various actions: executing a command, changing access to units, sending a report via email, and so on.

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